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Dear Regime (Letters toward a Revolution) Why can’t the beggar play the king? —Hafez I’ve constructed these seemingly innocent lines from wire in the basement of my New Jersey home. Shebang! You’re dead. Or at least pretend dead the way children die for a few seconds on the playground. I’m king for a day, or at least for a moment the way most kings ruled the country with little thought of longevity. Hear-ye, Hear-ye: the crown decrees a return to true freedom; permission to say this, that, or the other thing sets a train of circumstances in motion much like letters in a book. Before reading it, the reader’s preconceptions have disintegrated into thin air. “All aboard!” says the writer in retrospect, wearing the conductor’s hat. “Shebang!” (So to speak) a bomb engineered in the spirit of a literary revolution. 35 You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. ...
