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Illustrations . Warning to avoid polluting the air near homes with miasma from decomposing household wastes  . Miasma as a deadly danger not only to slum dwellers, but also to the middle class  . Familiar places appear strange and the fog makes it difficult to distinguish friend from foe  . Science uses ozone to cleanse the air of smoke, fog, and sulphur  . Old King Coal and the Fog Demon  . Contrast between the allegedly pure air and water of Pepys’s London and the murky conditions found in Mr. Punch’s London  . “The New Zealander”  . King Coal apologizes to Britannia  . Fogged-out painters in the streets of Kensington  . Smoke on the River Clyde in Glasgow  . Industrial smokestacks and household chimneys near Kirkstall Road in Leeds  . The Tower of London, damaged by polluted air  . “A Dream of Green Fields”  . “The Three Magnets”  . The air of Sheffield on Sundays versus Mondays  . Octavia Hill  . Ernest Hart  . Medal to commemorate the Smoke Abatement Exhibition  You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. . “Smokeless” appliances advertisement  . Sir William Blake Richmond, founder of the Coal Smoke Abatement Society, battles industrial smoke  . Cyclops Steel and Iron Works, Sheffield  . Paris smoke scale and the Ringelmann smoke scale  . Old King Steam and Old King Coal observing infant electricity  . “Link boys”  . Coke being removed from the retorts at the Windsor Street Gasworks in Birmingham  . Gas Light and Coke Company Works in Westminster  . East Greenwich Gasworks  . Gas scrubbers, Nine Elms Gasworks, London  . Smoke from the Great Central Gasworks drifting over houses in Poplar, London  . “Our Ideal: A Smokeless City”  . Gasholder and Millennium Dome, Greenwich  . Advertisement for “nutty slack”  . Deaths and sulphur dioxide concentrations in London  . United Kingdom household coal consumption, –  . “The choice is yours,” cover of the official guide and catalogue of the Universal Smoke Abatement Exhibition in   . United Kingdom coal output, –   | Illustrations You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. ...
