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adolescence, – African National Congress (ANC), , –, , ,  African Orthodox Church, , – Alliance High School (Kenya), , –, , , , ,  Baden-Powell, Lady Olave, , , , ,  Baden-Powell, Lord Robert, , , – educational theories, ,  conceptions of gender, , , – position on South African Scouting, –, , ,  role in Kenyan Scouting, – views on race and class, , – Banda, Kamuzu Hastings, – Beni, , ,  Benson,T. G., , , ,  Bob-a-Job program, , , , , –,  Boy’s Brigade, , , , , , , n Bechuanaland, –,  Kenya, –, , , ,  Nyasaland, , , ,  Boy Scout movement adapted Scouting, – centenary, – decolonization policy, – founding of, –, , – international expansion, – orthodoxy,  religious policy, – Boy Scouts Bechuanaland, –, , , ,  Central African Federation, –, , ,  317 Index Kenya, , –, –, –, –, –, –, –, –, , – Northern Rhodesia, –, –, –, –,  Nyasaland, , –, – South Africa, –, –, , –, –, –, –, –;African association, , –, , –; Colored Scouts, –, , , ; Indian Scouts, , , , ; Pathfinders, , –, –, –, – Southern Rhodesia, , –, , – Swaziland, –, ,  Tanganyika, , –, , –, –, –, , – Uganda, –, , , , –, –, , – West Africa, ,  Zanzibar,  Calata, James Arthur, ,  Colonial Development and Welfare Act, ,  Conference onYouth Movements (Salisbury ), – Dougall, J.W. C., –,  education adapted, –, , –,  African American, , –, ,  colonial policy, –, –, –, – Kenya, –, , , –, –,  missions, , , – You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. Jewish Lad’s Brigade, ,  juvenile delinquency. See youth: delinquency Kariuki, Obadiah, ,  Kaunda, Kenneth, ,  Kenya Africa National Union (KANU), , –,  Kenyatta, Jomo, , , , , , , –, – Kiano, J. G., , , ,  King’s College (Budo), –, ,  Koinange, Peter Mbiu, ,  Leech, Jack, ,  liberalism in South Africa, , , ,  Loram, C.T., , , ,  Lovedale Missionary Institute (South Africa), –, , , – LubwaTeacherTraining School and Mission (Northern Rhodesia/Zambia ), , , – Lugard, Baron Frederick, , , ,  Mandela, Nelson, , ,  masculinity, conceptions of, – Mathu, Eliud, , ,  Matiba, Kenneth,  Mau Mau Emergency, , , –, – rehabilitation, – Mogwanja, J. M., ,  Mokgoko, N. S., , ,  Muindi, Samuel,  Mumford,W. B., –, , –,  Mutesa II of Buganda, , ,  National Workers’ Brigade (Ghana), ,  NationalYouth Service (Kenya),  Ngala, Ronald,  N’thaba, Micksey, –,  Nyaga, Kiraithe, , , –, ,  Nyagah, Jeremiah, , , , , ,  education (cont.) Northern Rhodesia, , –, – Nyasaland, , ,  South Africa, , , –, –, –, –, –; Bantu education, – Southern Rhodesia, –,  Tanganyika, , , , ,  Uganda, , , ,  Western, –, , –,  emabutfo experiment, 104–7, 214, 217 Endwo ni Iri na Iriri,  femininity, conceptions of, – Girl Guides Kenya, , , , , , , , ,  South Africa, , , , –,  Tanganyika,  Uganda,  Griffin, Geoffrey, –, ,  Guide companies st Kikuyu,  stToro,  nd Fort Hall (Kahuhia),  Habonim,  homosexuality and Scouting, –, , – Hooper, Cyril, –,  independency, theory of, –, , –,  independent schools Kikuyu, –, ,  Uganda, , , – independent scout troops Kikuyu, , , , , – South Africa, – indirect rule, –, –, –, , – Inglis, Colin, , –, , ,  Itotia, Justin, ,  Jeanes Schools, , –, ,  318 index You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. index 319 Nyangayizwe, King Cyrian Bhekuzulu, , ,  Nyerere, Julius, , , – Obote, Milton, – Oldham, J. H., ,  Palmer,W.A., , , , – Pathfinders, , –, –, –, – Phelps-Stokes Commission, , ,  Rathebe, Job, , –,  Rheinallt Jones, J. D., , , –, , – Rhodes, Brigadier Sir Geoffrey, , , , ,  Robertson, David Maxwell, , , –, , –, – Rowallan, Lord (Thomas Corbett), , – Scout Law,The,  Scout Promise,The,  Scout troops st Limuru (Kikuyu Karinga) (Rironi School),  st Nairobi, ,  st Pietermaritzburg Pathfinders (Grace Dieu Diocesan College), –, , , – st Zanzibar,  nd Dar es Salaam,  nd Fort Hall (Kahuhia), – nd Kabete,  rd Nairobi,  th Nairobi (Alliance High School), –, , , , ,  th Nairobi,  Wamumu, – Scout uniform, , –, –, –, , – imposters, , , –, , –,  Pathfinders, –, ,  unauthorized use of, –, , –,  Vagosi,  Segero, James, , , n Shange, Mack Omega, –, ,  Smith, Stephen, , , , ,  Sobhuza II of Swaziland, , – Spartas, Reuben, ,  Tanganyika Africa National Union (TANU), , – Tay House,Troop , xii–xiv tsotsis. See youth: gangs Tyers, Ronald, ,  Vagosi Scouts, – Voortrekkers, , –, ,  Wamumu Approved School (Kenya), – Wayfarers, , , , –, ,  Woodbadge, , , , , , –,  Young Pioneers (Malawi), – youth delinquency, –, –, , , , ,  gangs, , , , , , ,  generational tensions, – youth wings of political parties, –, –, , – youth clubs (Kenya), – Zulu community and Scouting, , ,  You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. ...
