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159 index Page numbers in italics indicate photographs and illustrations. academic fields: and bounded character of fields, 118; and changes in environmental science, 125; and the Cold War, 3–4; and controversies, 15; and credentials/qualifications, 1, 46–47, 59, 65–66, 112; and demand for stream restoration programs, 98, 102, 104–7, 105, 110; and early stream-restoration work, 42; and educational capital, 98; and interdisciplinary communication, 34; and neoliberal science regimes, 3–5, 107, 117; and political economy of restoration field, 9, 102; and privatization of knowledge claims, 2, 4–5, 103–4, 117–18, 124–26; and Rosgen’s classification system, 109; and scientific competence, 65–66, 98; and standards of practice, 96; and stream restoration courses, 78–81, 84–85, 89, 89–93, 92, 94; and traditional role of consultants, 124. See also critics of Natural Channel Design active channels, 21, 22, 25, 36, 60, 90 adopt-a-watershed groups, 18, 19 advocacy organizations, 26–27 aerial photography, 33, 36 aesthetic goals of stream restoration, 37 agency-based scientists: and alternatives to Rosgen’s system, 107; and autonomy of stream restoration field, 110; basic characteristics of, 28–29; and bounded character of fields, 115, 118; and Bourdieu’s field framework, 111; and criticism of Rosgen’s system, vii, 140n21; and demand for stream restoration training, 28–29; and development of stream restoration field, 41; and opposition to Rosgen’s system, 52, 54, 58; and power structure of stream restoration field, 45, 46, 48, 118; and Rosgen’s short courses, 86, 88; and Rosgen’s success, 17, 117; and stream mitigation banking, 108–10 agricultural extension programs, 139n18 Agricultural Research Service, 28, 45 American Rivers, 27, 80 American Society of Civil Engineers, 30, 36, 68, 96, 142n7 anthropogenic damage, 23, 24–26 applied research, 15, 103, 106–7, 109, 125 Applied River Morphology (Rosgen), 59, 142n11 apprenticeships, 81 authority structures: and academic credentials, 17, 46–47, 59, 74, 79–80, 140n19; and Bourdieu’s field framework , 110–11; and critics of Rosgen, 2–3; and forms of capital, 72–74, 74–77, 111; research question regarding , ix; and Rosgen’s status, 125; and scientific capital, 118; and structure of study, 17 autonomous poles, 10, 11, 101, 110–11, 114–15 bank-armoring and stabilization, 25, 37, 50–51, 61, 67 160 • index bankful discharge, 36, 63–64, 70–71, 86, 90 basic science, 44, 45, 114, 115 Beaverhead Forest, 40 bed materials, 21 beliefs, internalized, 93 benthic macroinvertebrate communities, 144n9 bidding for stream restoration projects, 2, 58, 136n6 biology of streams: and assessment of stream restoration success, 144n9; and classification of streams, 94; and critics of Rosgen’s approach, 62–63, 120–21, 121; and interconnectedness, 20; and Natural Channel Design approach , 35, 37. See also ecology Blanco River project, 53, 143n11 Bledsoe, Brian, 48–49 Bourdieu, Pierre: and analytic framework for the Rosgen Wars, 9–13, 110–13; and bounded character of fields, 113–15; and conflict resolution , 111–13; on doxa, 143n20; and field analysis, 10–13, 17, 44, 44, 45, 100–102, 110–13, 118, 136n6, 143n1; and mobilization of capital, 71–72, 77; on opportunities in conflict, 144n10; on perceptions of competence, 98; and political economy, 101, 102, 110–15, 135n5; The Rules of Art, 143n1; “The Specificity of the Scientific Field and the Social Conditions of the Progress of Reason,” 12; The State of Nobility, 144n10; on subjective/objective structures, 111. See also capital and capital conflicts; field analysis; habitus concept Boyd, Karin, 58 Brown, Syd, 95 Buck Engineering, 56, 61, 120 Bureau of Land Management. See us Bureau of Land Management Bureau of Reclamation. See us Bureau of Reclamation California Department of Fish and Game, 59 California Department of Parks and Recreation, 95 Canaan Valley Institute, 27 capital and capital conflicts: capital concept, 10, 11, 17; claims and counterclaims , 55–71; critique as mobilization of capital, 71–77; educational capital, 73, 97–99, 113, 116, 122–23; and field analysis, 136n6; forms of capital, 72–74, 74–77, 111; in practice, 74–77, 78; and Rosgen’s classification system, 95; and Rosgen’s success, 112; and scientific capital, 118; short courses as educational capital, 73, 97–99 carbon markets, 126 case studies, 14, 56–57, 143n11 Castree, Noel, 110 Catena, 46, 143n11 certificate programs, 79. See also short courses channelization, 23, 67 channel types: and bankful discharge, 71; and Rosgen’s classification system, 32–33, 33–34; and Rosgen’s short courses, 90; and stream mitigation banking, 108–9. See also...
