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Index aborigines, Australian, 25, 76 adolescence: as critical activity period , 71; qualities of, 61, 64; and reforming the world, 69, 119 adolescent, initiation of, 9, 42, 6566 ,78, 117 agriculture: and bad Mother Earth, 27-30; and caste identity, 56; and control of men, 116;and crop failure , 26; and environmental degradation , 49-50,62; andepigenesis , 113,115;asimmatureenvironment , 39; male domination in, 41; previous to village life, 19-20; and simplified environment, 31 alienation, 107, 115-16 animals:enactment of, 7; infantilization of, 38; modification of, by domestication, 38-59; and overcrowding , 94; protectionism toward , 120; toys as, 105 Anselm, 82 antinomian behavior, 91 apocalypse, 50 Arabs, 76 Aranda, Conde de, xii artifactual world, 100 attention, quality of, 21-25 Augustine, Saint, 61 autism, 45, 90 autonomy, and symbiosis, 111 (table ) Bacon, Francis, 5, 81 Barfield, Owen, 82 behavioral sink, 94 belongings, and self-identity, 54, 124 Bettelheim, Bruno, 16 Bios, Peter, x, 64 body: Christian hatred of, 118; as metaphor, 85-87, 91, 105, 105 body boundary, 25 Bosch, Hieronymus, 85 Bouhdiba, A., 65 Brown, Norman, 85 Cain and Abel, 52, 77 Calder, Nigel, 27 Calvin, John, 92 Campbell, Joseph, x, 65, 76-77, 79 Caruth, Elaine, 90 Cassian, John, 61 Castaneda, Carlos, 92 chaos, 105-7 city: as desert, 106; geometry of, 105-4; nonhuman in, 98, 108; orientation in, 106 clinging, 44 Collier, John, 15 Comanches, xii conservation, 2 Coon, Carleton, 12 Copernicus, 84 Crows, xii Dante, 81-82 Davenport, John, 88 deMause, Lloyd, xi Descartes, Rene, 5 175 Index desert: city as, 106;and duality, 7576 ; edge of, as home of civilization , 48; and idealism, 69; and rectitude, 87; ruins of villages in, 49, 53; sensorum of, 47-48, 55, 58, 117; as setting of history, 55; sin as, 61; visionaryexperience in, 58 Disney, Walt, 105 domestication, 37-39 domestic foods, nutritional deficiency of, 32 Dorians, 76 duality, 28-30, 76; and agriculture, 28-30,43;and ambiguity,61;and desert, 48; and ideology, 60; obscured in northern landscape, 82 earth: and feminine analogy, 87, 115; Judeo-Christian hostility to, 127; as matrix, 113, 115; as spiritual analogy, 88. See also Mother Earth Eckstein, Rudolf, 90 ecology, 1, 39, 48, 104 Edwards, Jonathan, 88 Eliade, Mircea, x,26,29,65,84,9091 , 117 environmental determinism, 62 environmentalism, 1 Epicurus, 79 epigenesis, 92, 109, 111, 113, 128 Erikson, Erik, x, 12, 16, 36, 64, 66, 117, 123 Eve, 27 Fall, the, 119 farmer: and drudger, 43; and hunter -gatherers, 19; obsession of, with food supply, 42; and pastoralist , 51 food taboos, 32 forest, fear of, 62 Francis of Assisi, Saint, 81 Freud, Anna, 64 Freud, Sigmund, 4, 99 Fromm, Erich, xi Fuller, Buckminster, 103 Galileo, 103 Garden of Eden, 26 Gesell, Arnold, 70 gnosticism, 76 Gonen.Jay, 89 gratification, deferred, 91 Greece, pastoral ethos in, 77 Hall, G. Stanley, 96 Halle, Louis J., 60,99 Hardin, Garrett, 94 Hebrews: and adolescence, 66; as nomads, 51; as pastoralists, 5253 ; and patriarchy, 116 helplessness, 14, 99-100 Henderson, J. L., 117 Hillman, James, 59 history: and agriculture, 14;characteristics of, 55; and maturity, 127; as myth, 54, 58, 60, 62; as opposed to polytheism, 59-60; and regression, 46; and the state, 58; tragic perspective of, 62 Hoffer, Eric, 99 Holocaust, 4 Homey, Karen, 99 hunter-gatherers, ix, 6, 8, 19, 22; farmers among, 19; and food conservatism , 32; and ontogeny, 12, 65; and place, 23-24; and totemic culture, 35, 42, 100,123 Hurrians, 77 Huxley, Aldous, 58 identity, and belongings, 34, 124 ideology, 60-62, 105; and disorder, 104; and duality,60; and the Fall, 176 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 03:27 GMT) I N D E X 119; and male versus female, 67; mastery of, 108; progress of, 99, 109, 119, 122; urban life as pseudopastoral, 69 imprinting, 24, 55 infantile qualities, 14,32,35,37,38, 41, 44, 65, 79, 85, 99 Jacobson, Edith, 119 juvenile qualities,24,28,41,46,61, 63,71-72,90,91, 114 Kagan, Jerome, x Kasites, 77 Kenniston, Kenneth, xi Kiell, Norman, 64, 120 Kleckley, Hervey, x IKung San, xii, 95 landscape painting, ix, 84, 89 Lapham, Lewis, 69 Leopold, Aldo, 2 Levi-Strauss, Claude, 36, 101, 114 Lewis, C. S., 81-S2 Lucretius, 79 Luther, Martin, 85 Manes, 76 Manus, xii Marduk, 76 Mather, John, 91 maturity, characteristics of, 45, 66, 72,91-92, 110 May, Rollo, 13 Mazda, 76 Menninger, Karl, 4 merger fantasies, 79 Milgram, Stanley, 98 Miller, David, 59...
