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INDEX Abolitionism, 1, 6- 7, 156 Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 103 African Americans. See Blacks Akerman, Amos T., 96- 97, 101, 107, 156, 340 (n. 16) Alabama, 140, 181, 244, 249, 255;blacks and Reconstruction in, 40; Democrats' control of, 79, 111; black disfranchisement in, 260 Albright, Charles, 117 Aldrich, Nelson, 248- 49 Allison, William В ., 226 Amendments, constitutional, 21, 42, 312 (n. 45).See also Fifteenth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; Thirteenth Amendment American Anti- Slavery Society, 13, 52 American party, 225 Ames, Adelbert, 113, 118- 19 Anthony, Susan В ., 7, 40, 231 Arkansas, 40, 115; Democrats' return to power in, 111 Arnold, Isaac N., 13 Arthur, Chester A., 198, 203,206, 264; nominated as vice- president candidate, 186- 87; background of, 199;and black suffrage, 199; southern policy of,200- 201 Ashley, James M., 2; and black suffrage legislation, 15- 18, 27, 33, 36- 37, 136, 249, 313 (n. 49), 323 (n.169) Atlantic Monthly: on Garfield, 186; on Arthur, 199; on the Republican party, 202- 3 Ballard, Bland, 128 Ballot: freedom of, 187, 231; honest counting of, 200;purity of, 214; Australian system of, 230, 234- 35;reform of, 234- 35. See also Black suffrage; Chinese suffrage; Enforcement; Enforcement acts; Suffrage; Women's suffrage Bancroft, George, 21 Banks, Nathaniel P., 12, 17, 27 Bates, Edward, 22; on the Republican party, 3 - 4; on U.S. citizenship, 8; on suffrage restrictions, 8, 14, 316 (n. 82) Bayard, Thomas, 71- 72, 77 Baylor, Charles, 154 Beckwith, James R., 125, 128 Beecher, Henry Ward, 160 Beecher, Thomas K., 160 Belknap, William W, 94, 136 Bertonneau, Arnold, 311 (n. 39);lobbies for black suffrage, 12; meets with Lincoln, 18- 19 Beveridge, Albert J., 224 Bigelow, John, 8, 41, 107, 112 Bingham, John, 137; and black suffrage legislation, 25- 26, 33, 36- 37, 45, 323 (n. 170); and enforcement legislation, 58, 68, 80, 87, 137 Bird, Francis W, 315 (n. 69) Black Codes, 24, 317 (n. 97) Black conventions, 11- 12, 108 Black disfranchisement, 222, 224, 230, 238; in the South, xviii, 259- 60; condemned by Republicans, 194; statistics of, 259- 61; ignored by Republican administrations, 261- 62 Black enfranchisement. See Black suffrage Black leaders: and Republican administrations, 154, 160, 360, 361 (nn. 67, 76);and federal appointments, 160; urge for enforcement, 241, 253;urge for reenforcement, 263, 265 Black male suffrage, 305 (n. 2) 397 398 Index Black Republicans, xxv, 108- 9; report on election frauds by, 113- 14 Black rights, xxiii, 2, 8; federal protection of, xxiii; and Republican party policies, xxiii; and Reconstruction laws, 16, 18 Black soldiers: participation in the CivilWar of, 10; Republican recommendation of enfranchisement of, 17, 19; Republican remembrance of action of, 18, 30, 238 Black suffrage, xxiii, 222; and democracy in the United States, xvii, xxiii; historians' works on, xix- xxii; symbiotic nature of, xxiv, 21, 263;and the North, 5- 6, 21- 23, 40, 232; and Reconstruction, 14; and the making of the Fourteenth Amendment, 25- 28; and federal elections, 39, 41, 103- 17,138- 48, 182- 83, 205, 260- 61; and the making of the Fifteenth Amendment, 42- 48; and Chinese suffrage, 45; and Liberal Republicans, 103- 4; and the South, 160, 201; and the Supreme Court, 210- 11; and the West, 322 (n. 91). See also Black male suffrage; Black suffrage legislation; Blacks, and black suffrage during wartime; Enforcement acts; Radical Republicans; Republican party, and black suffrage Black suffrage legislation, xxiv; and the organization of the Montana Territory, 15- 16; H.R. 602 (Reconstruction bill of 1864), 17; S. No. 1 (enfranchising blacks in the District of Columbia), 22- 23, 28- 33, 32- 33 tables, 38; S. No.456 (admission of Nebraska), 31- 35, 34- 35 tables, 46, 322 (nn. 150, 151, 157, 159, 161, 163, 164); S. No. 462 (admission of Colorado), 33- 35, 322 (n. 150).See also Enforcement acts; Fifteenth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; Reconstruction Act Blacks: and Reconstruction, xvii- xviii, 15, 40; service in the Congress of, xvii, xviii, 54, 161, 217, 305 (n. 1), 330 (n. 61); and the Civil War, 7; initiative in Reconstruction of, 11- 13; and black suffrage during wartime, 11- 13, 20, 42; and the Republican party, 30, 311 (n. 39);denied suffrage in northern states, 40- 42; in the North, 42; celebrate ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, 50- 52; and enforcement of the Fifteenth Amendment, 54- 55, 113- 14; protest against Supreme Court decisions, 124, 131, 213; reactions of, toward Hayes's southern policy, 146- 47, 153- 54; and 1880 elections, 189; and state legislatures in...
