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Volume Four: XI.4 491 a liking to thy person. Though the king, my master, had not ordered me to take care of thy fortune, I should have done it through pure inclination. Besides, my uncle Don Balthazar de Zuniga, to whom I can refuse nothing, has desired me to look upon thee as one for whom he interests himself: this is enough to determine me in thy favour.” This declaration made such a strong impression upon my senses, that they were quite disordered. I threw myself at the feet of the minister, who having bid me rise, went on in this manner: “Come hither again this afternoon, and call for my steward, who will impart to thee the orders I shall give him.” So saying, his excellency went out to hear mass, as he usually did every day, after having given audience; and then repaired to the king’s levee. chapter iv. Gil Blas acquires the love of Count d’Olivares. Idid not fail to return in the afternoon, and call for the steward, whose name was Don Raymond Caporis. I no sooner told him my name, than, saluting me with great demonstrations of respect, “Signior, (said he) follow me if you please: I will conduct you to the apartment which is destined for you in this house.” So saying, he carried me by a little stair to a range of five or six rooms, which composed the second story of one wing of the house, and which were very plainly furnished. “This (said he) is the lodging which his Grace appoints for you; and here you will have a table with six covers, maintained at his expence. You will be served by his own domesticks, and there will always be a coach at your command. This is not all, (added he) his excellency has ordered me to treat you with the same respect, as if you was of the family of Guzman.” “What the deuce is the meaning of all this! (said I to myself.) How am I to understand these distinctions! Is there not some mischief at bottom?1 and is it not for his diversion that the minister gives me such honourable treatment?” While I was in this uncertainty, fluctuating between hope and fear, a page came and told me, that the Count wanted me. I went instantly to his Grace, who being alone in his closet, “Well, Santillane, (said he) art thou satisfied with thy apartment, and the orders which I have given to Don Raymond?” “The goodness of your excellency (answered I) seems to me excessive; and I receive it with fear and trembling.” “For what reason? (said he) can I do too much honour to a man whom the king has recommended to my care? No indeed ; I do no more than my duty in treating thee in an honourable manner: be not therefore surprised at what I do for thee; and be assured, that a solid and splendid fortune cannot escape thee, provided thou art as much attached to me, as thou wast to the Duke of Lerma. But with regard to that nobleman, (added he) I have been told that you lived in great familiarity with him. I am curious to know how you two became acquainted, and what employment you exercised under that minister: disguise noth- 492 The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane ing: I insist upon hearing the whole truth.” I then remembered my perplexity with the Duke of Lerma, in the same case, and in what manner I extricated myself: and this I practised again very successfully; that is to say, in my narration I softened the rough places, and passed slightly over those things which did not much redound to my honour : I likewise spared the Duke of Lerma; though in doing otherwise I should have better pleased my hearer. As for Don Rodrigo de Calderona,* I gave him no quarter,2 but disclosed all the fine strokes which I knew he struck3 in the traffick of commanderies ,4 governments and benefices. “What you tell me of Calderona (said the minister, interrupting me) is conformable to several memorials which have been presented against him, and which contain heads of accusation still more important. His trial will soon come on; and if you wish his downfall, I believe your desire will be satisfied.” “I don’t desire his death, (said I) though it was not his fault, that I found not mine in...
