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index [ 255 ] acoustic ecology, 103, 149, 194; enhancement of, 167 acoustic identity, 104 Adams, Ansel, 222 Adams, John Luther, 249 Adorno, Theodor, 42, 97 Africa, 59 Agee, James, 95 Ainu, 184 Åkerlund, Lars, 242 Alloway, Lawrence, 31 ambience, 142, 145 animal sound, 132 Apache, 202 Argentina, 63 Aristotle, 2 Armstrong, Robert Plant, 195, 202 Art Ensemble of Chicago, 77–78 Attali, Jacques, 59, 98 Augoyard, Jean-François, 124 Australia, 233 awakening, 20 Babenzélé Pygmies, 219, 239–40 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 38, 54, 56, 64 Balanchine, George, 84 Barents, Willem, 156 Basso, Keith, 202 Bateson, Gregory, 98, 146, 223 Baudelaire, Charles, 88 bear, 77–79 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 4, 45, 51, 56, 64, 84 Behrens, Jack, 32 bell, 65 Berry, Chuck, 57 biophony, 219 Blaukopf, Kurt, 64 Bogert, Charles, 172 Bolden, Buddy, 116–17 Borbagnadyr, 241 Boulez, Pierre, 36 bowerbird, 200 Bowie, Lester, 77–78 bricolage, 36, 44, 67 brown thrasher, 1 Budd, Harold, 142 Bull, John, 211 Buson, 89 butcherbird, 231 Cage, John, 2, 4, 55, 98, 100, 129, 222, 249; vs. SchaeVer, 168, 238 camel sounds, 150 cantabile, 84 car door slams, 135 Carroll, Lewis, 155 Casey, Edward, 201–3 Castaneda, Carlos, 131 categories, 47 Cavell, Stanley, 54 change, 247 children, 93, 144 Christianity, 60 Chung, Tsai Chih, 249 circle, 24 clarinet, 246 Coleman, Ornette, 78–79 components, 31 computers, 91–94 concert, 59 Confucius, 187 Constable, 85 Cook, James, 156, 158 Coomaraswamy, Ananda, 2, 25 Copland, Aaron, 241 Cornish, Willy, 117 Costa Rica, 163–68, 244 coyote, 1 Cree, 32 cultural conformity, 123 Cunningham, Merce, 55 Cupples, Ric, 101 Dante, 38, 45 Darwin, Charles, 47 Davidsson, Elias, 2 Davis, Miles, 176 de la Halle, Adam, 61 De Quincey, Thomas, 53 de Veer, Gerrit, 156 Debussy, Claude, 36, 52, 216, 245 Dhomont, Francis, 126 Dionysan ecstasy, 56 Dixon, Melvin, 203 DoReMi, 35, 39–40 drone, 83, 134 Druids, 88 Duchamp, Marcel, 30 dulugu ganalan [lift-up-over sounding], 197–99, 234 Duncan, David James, 4, 249 Duncan, Robert, 133 Dunn, David, 166, 249 earlids, 137 earth jazz, 9 East vs. West, 28 ecology, 84, 146 ecstasy, 114, 117 Eden, 89 Egyptians, 240 Eisenberg, Evan, 9, 249 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 88 emotion, 45, 132, 196; in recording, 127; vs. sound, 72 enantiodromia, 65 Engels, Frederick, 194 Eno, Brian, 10, 239, 249 entertainment, 98 Erickson, Steve, 249 Ernst, Max, 25 ethnopoetry, 196 exotica, 169 expression, 183, 188 256 ] Index Fauré, Gabriel, 36 Favors, Malachi, 77 Feld, Steven, 3, 175, 234, 240, 249 Feldman, Morton, 64 Ferrari, Luc, 126 fire climax community, 210 fox, 95 Franklin, Ursula, 123 Fripp, Robert, 141 frog articulation, 219 Fuller, R. Buckminster, 8, 27 Futurists, 38 gagaku, 186 Gaine, 236 gamelan, 57 geng shui, 102 Gershwin, George, 42, 63 Gibson, Don, 176 God, acoustic definition of, 61 Gordon, Joel, 241 Gould, Glenn, 127 Goya, Francisco de, 156 Great Chain of Being, 50 Gregorian chant, 60 Grunewald, J. J., 237 gunshot, 136 Hafiz, 13, 18 hand, 85–87 Hanslick, Eduard, 49 happenings, 27 harmony, 13–20, 27, 52, 88, 183 Hart, Mickey, 234 heart beats, 135 Heidegger, Martin, 201 Hendrix, Jimi, 173 hermit thrush, 207–14 high fidelity, 35 Hodgkinson, Tim, 249–50 Hohvaness, Alan, 240–41, 250 Holliday, Billie, 53 Holst, Gustav, 57 home entertainment, 54 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 13:28 GMT) Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 87 Hulsius, Levinus, 157 Iceland, 2 Ichiyanagi, Toshi, 29, 188 Ignatow, David, 6 iki, 192 improvisation, 233, 238, 241 incommunicability, 95 India, 148–49 information, 28, 92 instant, 89 interface, 93, 165 internet, 93 Inuit, 158 Inupiak, 155 ircam, 35 Islam, 13–20 James, William, 131 Japan, 29, 66, 183–92 Jarman, Joseph, 77 jazz, 39, 42 Jivaro, 218 Kaluli, 175, 193–206, 221, 234 Kant, Immanuel, 47, 125 Kawabata, Yasunaro, 65 Keil, Charles, 8, 175 Kerouac, Jack, 173 Khan, Hazrat Inayat, 250 Kierkegaard, Søren, 54–55 Koch, Ludwig, 172 Kodo drumming, 243 Kongshaug, Jan Erik, 235, 237 Kosugi, Takehisa, 29 Krause, Bernie, 5, 164, 239–40, 250 Kuular, Anatoli, 241, 250 Kyokushu, Hirata, 192 Lacy, Steve, 250 Lan, David, 105 Langer, Suzanne, 45, 49 language, 1, 37; environmental, 102, 149 [ 257 Index Lanier, Jaron, 250 Laraaji, 142 Lassie, 172–76 Lennon, John, 155 Leonardo da Vinci, 22 Lerman, Richard, 243, 250 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 39, 216, 232 Levin, Ted, 241 Lewis, Benson, 203 Lichtenstein, Roy, 217 Lincoln, Abraham, 208 lions, 105–6 listening, 143, 182, 232, 247: blind, 163–68, 225–27, 244; vs. seeing, 97 Long Island, 207...
