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Your face a white island between the two currents, between the falls of your black hair You who drank your life greedily hole never filled Girl-woman who could not whose lips could not open Hungry ghost in the doorway Your bones might as well have flown together and spoken: Where is she whom my heart loves? —Oh my darling, where do you look for me? Happiness Remember our happiness? under us happiness under the city under our fathers’ graves happiness under this world under the gospel of the evangelist John: This is the happiness he leaned his head against. Happiness (2): The I Ching (Alone) “Unconcerned” “Undaunted” the cradle of the real life 259 Sunset sunrise pines hermit thrush Central Park, Billie Holiday —Misfortune. No blame —the boat pond rises above the trees : the dead don’t go away : you " " " He leaves them: He leaves them: No nothing’s happening you why do you get angry cry why are you leaving Me, he cries: He turns into a moon They turn into night bandages He turns into strips of film blue with another woman’s blue —loses the blue Away from you Away from you, alone, I can come 260 door in the mountain ...
