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from his loaded arms and bruise his feet. He trips. He could pick flowers, he could heap his arms, but with stones there is always the danger, the need to be alert. Night How good it is to feel the joy at last of oneself. It is like the full moon shining down upon the dark trees. It is like lit trains sliding by in the dark. It is the light of houses in the distance punctuating the night. The Men You 've Loved The men you've loved are one man, the women I've known are one woman; I hold your hand and look into your face with love, in peace. We lie down together and nothing matters but making each of us the first and the last. Coupling Wherever he looks, standing still in the city, are people born of coupling, walking in graysuits and ties, in long dresses and coiffed hair, speaking elegantly of themselves and of each other, forgetting for the moment their origin, perhaps wishing not to know or to remember. They dress as if having been born in a clothingstore. 747 ...
