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Index Abrams, Jacob, 68 Abrams, Robert, 401 Adamic, Louis, 72 Adams, Henry, 67, 341, 461 Adams, John, 18, 31, 36, 88, 277 Adams, John Quincy, 26 Adams, Willi Paul, 30 affirmative action programs, 406-408 detennining beneficiaries of, 453-457 Affirmative Discrimination (Glazer), xvi Mghanistan, immigration to U.S. from, 282-283 Mrican-Americans, xv, xvii, 54, 381-382 affirmative action programs fur, 406408 anti-Semitism of, 378, 401-402 in armed services, 98-99, 109, 155-158, 318-319 assertion of ethnic identity by, 174-189 as beneficiaries of affirmative action programs , 454-457 benefits of counting by race for, 442444 benefits of school desegregation fur, 411-412 in black power movement, 184-189 in building social service organizations with other ethnic groups, 322 caste pluralism and, 78, 87-109, 151-173 civil rights revolution of, 158-173, 381 in colleges, 316-318 comparison of opportunities for Mexican -Americans, Asian-Americans, and, 137-145 and debate over what to call themselves, 181-184 during Depression, 100-105 early agreements to exclude participation of, 87-94 in early U.S., 10-11, 16 economic opportunity for, 430-432 elected officials among, 192-197 after emancipation, 94-100 equal rights in politics for, 425-430 ethnic-Americanization of, 144-145 ethnic interaction of, 306-308, 310, 312313 , 315 as hostile to immigrants, 373-374 identity consciousness of, 333-334, 336337 integrating housing for, 417-422 intermarriages by, 327-328 intermingling of sojourners and, 145-148 internal migration of, 294-295, 308 language policy and, 460 and multiethnic consciousness in U.S., 323-325 new middle class of, 482-484 political activism of, 105-109, 157, 190205 population growth among, 288 public opinion on, 163-164 public racist remarks about, 398-401 public racist remarks by, 401-402 public school desegregation and, 409416 race-conscious remedies for, 382 segregation of, 141-143 stereotypes of, 179-180 underclass of, 189, 484-489 urban populations of, 296-298 in urban riots, 185-186 violence against, 98-99, 109, 144, 169171 , 376-377, 380, 394-395 whites vs., 375-377, 379-380 in workplace interaction, 319 before World War II, 105-109 during World War II, 154-157 see also slavery After Freedom (Powdermaker), 103-104 Agnos, Art, 354 Air Force, U.S., Mrican-Americans in, 155-156 597 598 INDEX Alabama: Mrican-American population of, 297298 NAACP sued by, 172-173 permissibility of counting by race in, 437-438 Alabama, University of, desegregation of, 172 Alba, Richard, 336 Alcatraz, Native American occupation of, 209,211 Aldrich, Nelson, 341 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 57 Alianza Federal de Mercedes, 242-244 Alien Act, 18 Almond, Gabriel, 5 America Is in the Heart (Bulosan), 237-238 American Dilemma, An (Myrdal), xv, 108, 152-154 American identity: as based on membership in civic culture , 71 Italian-American claim to, 67-69, 73 Jewish claim to, 67-69, 73-'74 racial views of, 56-61 "American Identity and Americanization" (Gleason), xviii Americanist movement: anti-Catholicism of, 39-41 slavery and, 41-42 Americanization movement, 61-67 American Jewish Committee, 356, 396 "American Letter" (MacLeish), 260 Anaya, Tony, 258-259 Anderson v. Martin, 429 Anglo-Americans, 68-69 anti-Semitism of, 377-378 encounters between Native Americans and, 80-83 Getman-Americans and, 22, 28 on immigrants from northern and western Europe, 54-55 Mexican-Americans and, 120, 122 anti-Catholicism, 36-43, 379 Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 393,396 antimiscegenation laws, 115, 139-140 Antin, Mary, 67-69, 357-358, 369 anti-Semitism, 372 of Mrican-Americans, 378, 401-402 recent decline of, 377-379 in higher education, 360-361, 400 among high-school-age students, 378 in refugee policy, 391 Apodaca, Jerry, 258 Arab-Americans, participation in politics by, 346 armed services, U.S.: Mrican-Americans in, 98-99, 109, 155158 , 318-319 Asian-Americans in, 318 ethnic interaction in, 318-319 Hispanics in, 269, 318 Japanese-Americans in, 227-229, 235 Mexican-Americans in, 241-242, 269, 271 Army, U.S., African-Americans in, 156 Asian-Americans: in armed services, 318 as beneficiaries of affirmative action programs , 454-455 in colleges, 316-317 comparison of opportunities for Mrican -Americans, Mexican-Americans , and, 137-145 ethnic-Americanization of, 234-238 hostility toward, 373 identity consciousness of, 334 integrating housing for, 420 in labor unions, 321 and multiethnic consciousness in U.S., 323-325 segregation of, 138-141, 143 sojourner pluralism for, 78, no-lI8, 126127 , 225-238 wide distribution of, 291-293 Aspin, Len, 381...
