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Puhlishcci by \\'c$ley,ln Universin Press, ,\liddleto\\,n, CT 064j9 Revised 1999 All rlgllts resened Printed in the United St~tcs ofLhnerica 5 + 3 2 CIP data appear at the end of the book Originally produced in 1993by \\'e\ley,lnlUni\~er~in PrcssofNc~r. England, H.u~over,NH03-55 Selections from Poems of Paul Celun translated by ~Michael Hamburger. Copyright C 1972, 1980,1988 by Michael Hamburger. Reprinted by permission of Persea Books, Inc. "The Courte of a Particular" 1s reprinted from Opw Postl~umous b\ IVallace Ste~ens Coplr~ght I9j- b\ Els~e Stelens and H o l l ~ Ste\ens Reprinted b\ permlss~on of Alfred A Knopf, Inc .m d Faber and Faber Ltd ...
