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C O N T E N T S A FEW NOTES ON ANTONIO MACHADO 1 From Times Alone,Passageways in the House, and Other Poems (Soldedades, Galeriasy Otros Poemas) g He andado muchos caminos 16 I have walked along many roads 17 Recuerdo infantil 18 Memory from Childhood 19 La plaza y los naranjos encendidos 20 The square and the brilliant orange trees 21 En el entierro de un amigo 22 The Burial of a Friend 23 Yo escucho los cantos 24 I listen to the songs 25 Daba el reloj las doce ... 28 The clock struck twelvetimes ... 29 Sobre la tierra amarga 30 Dreams have winding 31 Tenue rumor de tunicas que pasan 32 Faint sound of robes brushing 33 Crece en la plaza en sombra 34 In the shady parts of the square 35 Al borde del sendero un dia nos sentamos 36 Close to the road we sit down one day 37 La noria 38 The Water Wheel so Glosa 40 Commentary 41 Anoche cuando dormia 42 Last night, as I was sleeping 43
