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T H I R D PREFACE The "quiet adventure" of fifty years ago of which Wilderness is the story is vested in my fond thoughts with something of the glamour and, perhaps , the wisdom of Robinson Crusoe and The Swiss Family Robinson. "Father^' said to me a balding, six-foot-four tall scientist, "the year we spent together on Fox Island was the happiest of all my life!' "Of mine, too, Sonny" I might have added but for loyalty to my whole long past and the "adventures^' both quiet and unquiet, that had somehow come to fill it. Of the three human beings who shared as one that speck of earthly Paradise which is the setting of this journal, only the father and his son remain; while of their habitationsnothing is left but rotting logs. Alaska, now a state, its oil-rich lands and waters on the auction block, who knows what traces of Fox Island's once primaeval wilderness may in the course of time be left. Fearing the worst, to that dear, peacefulwilderness I say a loving, last farewell. "Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust... .'.' ROCKWELL KENT "Asgaard" Au Sable Forks, N. Y. 1970 xxix ...
