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A C K N OW L E D G M E N T S Many thanks to the editors and staff of the following magazines for publishing these poems: Agni Review, American Poetry Review, Antaeus, Bellingham Review, Berkeley Poetry Review, Boston Review, Colorado Review, Electronic Poetry Review, 1 Hills (The SFSU Review), Harvard Review, The Iowa Review, Marlboro Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, The New Yorker, New American Writing, Pharos (Paris), Poetry U.S.A., ROOMS, 6ix, Slate, and VOLT. “The Spark” was reprinted in Each Poem Alive (Norton), and “Male Nipples” was reprinted in The Male Body (University of Michigan Press). I am also very grateful to the Guggenheim Foundation for a fellowship which helped me to complete this book. Thanks also to Joshua Clover, Dale Going, Robert Hass, Laura Mullen, Leslie Scalapino, Carol Snow, and ’Annah Sobelman for reading the work in this manuscript in advance of publication. “Loose Sugar” is for HFH. 115 A B O U T T H E AU T H O R Brenda Hillman is the author of seven other books of poetry published by Wesleyan University Press: White Dress (1985), Fortress (1989), Death Tractates (1992), Bright Existence (1993), Cascadia (2001), Pieces of Air in the Epic (2005), and Practical Water (2009). Her work has won the Delmore Schwartz Memorial Award for Poetry and the Poetry Society of America’s Norma Farber First Book Prize. She teaches at St. Mary’s College in Moraga, California. L I B R A RY O F CO N G R E S S C ATA LO G I N G - I N - P U B L I C AT I O N D ATA Hillman, Brenda. Loose sugar / Brenda Hillman. p. cm.—(Wesleyan poetry) isbn 0–8195–2242–2 (cl. : alk. paper). — isbn 0–8195–2243–0 (pa. : alk. paper) I. Title. II. Series. s3558.i4526l66 1997 811'.54—dc21 96–44572 ...
