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Poema Meus olhos tern telescopies espiando a rua, espiando minha alma longe de mim mil metres. Mulheres vao e vem nadando em rios invisiveis. Automoveis como peixes cegos compoem minhas visoes mecanicas. Ha vinte anos nao digo a palavra que sempre espero de mim. Ficarei indefinidamente contemplando meu retrato eu morto. 18 Poema Meus olhos tem telescopios espiando a rua, espiando minha alma longe de mim mil metros. Mulheres van e vem nadando em rios invisfveis. Automoveis como peixes cegos compoem minhas visoes mecanicas. Hi vinte anos nao digo a palavra que sempre espero de mim. Ficarei indefinidamente contemplando meu retrata eu morto. 18 Poem My eyes have telescopes trained on the street trained on my soul a mile away. Women come and go swimming in invisible rivers. Cars like blind fish compose my mechanical visions. For twenty years I've not said the word I always expect from me. I'll go on indefinitely gazing at the portrait of me, dead. Translated by W. S. Merwin 19 Poem My eyes have telescopes trained on the street trained on my soul a mile away. Women come and go swimming in invisible rivers. Cars like blind fish compose my mechanical visions. For twenty years I've not said the word I always expect from me. I'll go on indefinitely gazing at the portrait of me, dead. Translated by W S. Merwin 19 ...
