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R E P O R T O R I A L P O E T R Y, T R A N C E & A C T I V I S M a n e s s ay Reportorial poetics can be used to record detail with immediacy while one is doing an action & thinking about something else. Experience crosses over with that which is outside experience; the unknown receives this information as an aquifer receives replenishing rain. Meditative states can be used to cross material boundaries, to allow you to be in several places at once, such as Congress & ancient Babylon. I recorded notes in Washington while attending hearings & participating in actions to make the record collective & personal. Working with trance while sitting in Congressional hearings i recorded details into a notebook. If bees can detect ultraviolet rays, there are surely more possibilities in language & government. The possible is boundless. Whether or not you have strength to resist o·cial versions that are devastating the earth & its creatures, you could in any case send back reports. If political parties will not provide solutions, the good can occur when people gather in small groups to work for justice in each community using imagination without force. People could leave their computers at least briefly to engage with others in public spaces. It is then the potential of each word comes forward. If you have no time or strength, act without time or strength because they may follow. In the meantime you could imagine that you have them. 3 3 ...
