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About the author Piotr Sommer grew up in Otwock, a small town outside of Warsaw. He studied English at the University of Warsaw, and now edits Literatura na Sruierie (World literature), a Polish magazine of international writing. He has taught poetry at Amherst College, Mount Holyoke College, Wesleyan University , and the Universities of Notre Dame, Indiana, and Nebraska -Lincoln, and has been awarded several prizes and fellowships , most recently by the International Writing Program at Iowa (2002) and the National Humanities Center, North Carolina (2004-2005). Sommer's poetry collections include Pamigtki po nas (What we're remembered by, 1980), Kolejny s'wiat (A subsequentworld, 1983), Czynnik liryczny i inne iviersze (Lyric factor and other poems, 1988), and Nowe stosunki wymzoiv (New relations of words, 1997). His poems have been translated into many languages , and his collections have appeared in English, German, and Slovenian. Other publications include books of literary essays , Smak detain (Ataste for detail, 1995)and Po stykach (Contact lines, 2005), as well as numerous translations of contemporary Anglo-American poetry. Continued is Halina Janod's first book of co-translations from the Polish into English. ...
