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Additional Reminiscences Ashe, Gaston M. Letter to Franklin D. Walker, August 27, 1930, Franklin Dickerson Walker Papers, BANC MSS C-­ H 79, The Bancroft Library, University of California , Berke­ley. Atherton, Gertrude. Letter to David A. Munro, De­ cem­ ber 17, [1902], HM 32452, Literary File, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California. Burgess, Gelett. “One More Tribute to Frank Norris.” Sunset 10 (January 1903): 246. Cosgrave, John O. Letter to Jeannette Williamson Norris, Oc­ to­ ber 24, 1902, Frank Norris Collection, BANC MSS C-­ H 80, The Bancroft Library, University of California , Berke­ley. Garland, Hamlin. Companions on the Trail (New York: Macmillan, 1931), 10–11, 103–4, 117, 126–27, 166. ———. A Daughter of the Middle Border (New York: Macmillan, 1921), 262. ———. “Death of Frank Norris Oct. 27, 1902,” in “Literary Notes,” unpublished journal , 287–91, Hamlin Garland Collection, Special Collections, Doheny Library, University of South­ ern California. ———. Letter. Critic 41 (De­ cem­ ber 1902): 537. Gibbs, George. Letter to Robert E. Burke, No­ vem­ ber 6, 1952, James D. Hart Papers, BANC MSS 81/107c, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berke­ ley. Goodrich, Arthur. “Frank Norris.” Current Literature 33 (De­ cem­ ber 1902): 764. ———. “Norris, the Man.” Current Literature 34 (January 1903): 105. ———. “An Unfinished Literary Career.” Literary Digest 25 (No­ vem­ ber 8, 1902): 593. Hammond, John Hays, to Franklin D. Walker, letter, June 2, 1930, Franklin Dickerson Walker Papers, BANC MSS C-­ H 79, The Bancroft Library, University of California , Berke­ley. Hathorn, Ralph L. Letter to Wallace W. Everett, Sep­ tem­ ber 1929, Frank Norris Collection , BANC MSS C-­ H 80, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berke­ley. Howells, William Dean. Letter to Jeannette Williamson Norris, De­ cem­ ber 14, 1902, Frank Norris Collection, BANC MSS C-­ H 80, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berke­ley. Howells, Mildred. Letter to Franklin D. Walker, May 3, 1931, Franklin Dickerson Walker Papers, BANC MSS C-­ H 79, The Bancroft Library, University of California , Berke­ley. Lanier, Henry Wysham. Letter to Jeannette Williamson Norris, No­ vem­ ber 12, 1902, 202 / Additional Reminiscences Frank Norris Collection, BANC MSS C-­ H 80, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berke­ley. Light, Evelyn. Letter to Franklin D. Walker, May 5, 1931, Franklin Dickerson Walker Papers, BANC MSS C-­ H 79, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berke­ley. “Lincoln Man Tells of Norris.” Lincoln, Nebraska Star, No­ vem­ ber 22, 1902, 16. Marcosson, Isaac F. Adventures in Interviewing (New York: John Lane, 1920), 232–41. ———. Before I Forget: A Pilgrimage to the Past (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1959),­500–508. ———. “Some Literary Friendships,” Saturday Evening Post 192 (August 16, 1919): 8–9, 104, 107, and 110. Millard, Bailey. History of San Francisco Bay Region (Chicago: Ameri­ can Historical Society , 1924), 1: 422–25. ———. “A Significant Literary Life.” Out West 18 (January 1903): 49–55. ———. “Writer Was Planning to Stay in California This Winter and Complete THE WOLF when Stricken by Appendicitis.” San Francisco Examiner, Oc­to­ber 26, 1902, 18. Norris, Charles G. Frank Norris 1870–1902 (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page, 1914). ———. “Introduction.” The Argonaut Manuscript Limited Edition of Frank Norris’s Works. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran, 1928), X: vii–xiii. ———. Letters to Franklin D. Walker, No­ vem­ ber 1, 1930 and January 19, 1931, Franklin Dickerson Walker Papers, BANC MSS C-­ H 79, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berke­ ley. Osbourne, Alan. Letter to James D. Hart, August 19, 1970, James D. Hart Papers, BANC MSS 81/107c, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berke­ ley. Peixotto, Ernest C. Letter to Franklin D. Walker, June 28, 1930, Franklin Dickerson Walker Papers, BANC MSS C-­ H 79, The Bancroft Library, University of California , Berke­ley. Phillips, Jennie B. Letter to James D. Hart, No­ vem­ ber 23, 1952, James D. Hart Papers , BANC MSS 81/107c, The Bancroft Library, University of California,­Berke­ley. Porter, Bruce. Letter to Franklin D. Walker, July 11, 1930, Franklin Dickerson Walker Papers, BANC MSS C-­ H 79, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berke­ley. Rainsford, W. S. Letter to Jeannette Williamson Norris, undated fragment, Frank Norris Collection, BANC MSS C-­ H 80, The Bancroft Library, University of California , Berke­ley. Senger, Lucy A. Letter to Franklin D. Walker, Oc­ to­ ber 14, 1930, Franklin Dickerson Walker Papers, BANC MSS C-­ H 79, The Bancroft Library, University of California , Berke­ley. Todd, Frank Morton. “Frank Norris—Student, Author, and Man.” University of Cali­ fornia Magazine 8 (No­ vem­ ber...
