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Acknowledgments This book is a product of the efforts of a number of people whose names do not appear on the title page but without whom it would not have been possible . i would like to thank my colleagues in the Department of Communication Studies at the university of north Carolina (unC) at Chapel Hill for their support and feedback,including my fellow rhetoricians Carole Blair, Bill Balthrop, Eric King Watts, Cori Dauber, and Robbie Cox. i also owe debts of gratitude to Dennis Mumby, Julia Wood, Rich Cante, Ken Hillis, and the incomparable Della Pollock. i am profoundly grateful for an outstanding cohort of junior colleagues,including Renee Alexander-Craft,Sarah Dempsey, Michael Palm, Tony Perucci, and Kumarini Silva. Sarah Sharma, who began at unC the same time that i did, deserves a special note of thanks for being an unparalleled interlocutor and friend.finally,i would like to thank Lawrence Grossberg, who has been a generous mentor, a source of encouragement, and a model for responsible scholarly practice. i cannot express how deeply i value his counsel and friendship. i am also very thankful for the outstanding collection of people with whom i had the opportunity to work as a graduate student in the Program in Rhetoric and Public Culture at northwestern university. Robert Hariman, Bill Keith, and Keith Topper have been continuing sources of support. Dilip Gaonkar has been a model of rigor and intellectual creativity:most of what i know about rhetoric i owe to him.Angela Ray,David Zarefsky,Tom Goodnight , and irv Rein each played a significant role in my development while at northwestern. Alessia Ricciardi introduced me to many of the texts that i treat here. finally, Daniel fitzmier, Brett ommen, Randy iden, Randall Bush,and Tim Barouch served as tireless conversation partners around many of the issues that inform this book. There are a number of people whose work made this book possible. Barbara Biesecker has been incredibly generous with her time and insight into the intersections of rhetoric and psychoanalysis, and i am humbled by x / Acknowledgments her intellect and kindness. Joshua Gunn has been a source of continuing intellectual inspiration. Though we came to know each other as the result of an uninvited exchange, i have profited tremendously from his readings of Lacan, his friendship, and his scholarship. i would also like to thank Henry Krips, Diane Davis, and erik doxtader for their friendship, support, and for the ways that their work continues to inform my understanding of rhetoric. i would also like to thank John Lucaites,DanWaterman,Jonathan Berry,and Alex Wolfe for their incisive editorial input. finally, i would like to thank my parents, Steve and Cindy Lundberg and Rich and vicki Homan. Lastly, but most significantly, i would like to thank Beth Lundberg for putting up with me in the process of writing this book.Without her care, support, tolerance , and sense of humor i would be a lesser person—in fact, i would be lost without her. Portions of this manuscript have appeared in earlier publications.An earlier version of chapter 5 appeared in Barbara Biesecker and John Louis Lucaites ’s Rhetoric,Materiality,and Politics. Parts of the seventh chapter appeared in the Quarterly Journal of Speech and Cultural Studies. ...
