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THE WAY OF THE KLAVERN "What about that nigger at the Henry Grady Hotel coffee shop who has been acting up, like I reported last week? " a Klansman demanded. " Cliff, I turned that case over to you for handling," the Wizard said to the Night Hawk. "What say you? " "We considered the case very thoroughly, Chief, and finally decided the best thing to do was ask one of our Brothers who is a deputy sheriff to give the nigger two years on the chain-gang." " Does that answer your question? " the Wizard asked. " Good enough! " the Klansman said with satisfaction. " I have something urgent!" another Klansman called out. "I've been told that a family ofniggers has moved into an apartment building for whites at 300 Pulliam Street! " At this the Wizard leapt to his feet. " Nash! " he ordered. "Take three more of your police officers and go in your police car to that address at once, and report back here! " Nash got up and peeled out ofhis Klan robe, revealing his police uniform beneath. He called the names of three other men who did likewise, and the Klarogo unlocked the door to let them leave. " Grand Titan Ransome," said a man taking the floor. " I have a very serious problem to present. My children keep coming home from school, telling me how their teacher keeps talking about how we must be tolerant of the niggers, Jews and so on. Now just the other day this teacher said something against the Klan. In my opinion, such teachers are the greatest menace to white supremacy, and we ought to do something about it! " " We will! " said the Wizard. "Brother Kligrapp, you will prepare an edict to all Klaverns, ordering them to activate all Klanspeople to activate their children to report on such teachers to their parents. The names ofsuch teachers should then be sent to me, and I'll take care of the rest! The Klan has many members and friends on school boards..•." " KlansmanJoe Wallace, chairman ofthe Klan's Housing Kommittee," said the next man to gain the floor. "I want to tell about a new strategy we've worked out. Until recently we used to call on niggers who moved into white neighbourhoods, 68 THE KLAN UNMASKED and tell them to "Get out, or else ... !" Most of them got. But now we've worked out another method, under the slogan' Not strife, but psychology.' We've set up a corporation and gotten a charter from the state as the , West End Co-operative Association.' Our goal is to build a ' Great White Wall' around West End. Here's how we do it: "First of all, we've organized about 1,500 watchdogs, and whenever one of them sees a nigger trying to move into West End, they telephone me at Amherst 1000. Then I put some ofour ladies to work making chain telephone calls, and in no time at all we mobilize quite a crowd around the house where the nigger is trying to move in. Then I step in and have a little private talk with the nigger. I tell him he has a perfect legal right to move in, and that I will try to protect him. But at the same time I tell him I doubt if I can control more than a small part ofthe mob, and that ifhe does move in he'll be endangering his whole family. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, that ought to do the trick! " Wallace paused, and the Klansmen chuckled. "Just to wake the white people up, we're getting out a little paper called West End Facts, which we distribute free to the homes," Wallace continued. "Let me read you a sample: The danger of a Negro invasion of West End has not passed as yet. The only remedy we have is with a concerted action. Come to our meetings and learn how. The Negroes will have Atlanta lock, stock and barrel in less than ten years if we fail to act. The Negro race multiply so rapidly and then we will again even at the edge of town be forced to live with them or move farther out. You of the middle class, you with that Southern accent, Georgia-born and reared, are you going to stand by and lose your birthright without a struggle? " " Nooooo ••• ! " cried the Klansmen in a roar that shook the Klavern. " Any of you who are itching for action are...
