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I WORK MY WAY INTO THE FLOG SQUAD 99 "As a Klansman you are already sworn to secrecy," Carter went on. "As a Klavalier you must be doubly sworn! Our operations are such that we must keep them secret not only from the prying eyes of the public but even from our own Brothers in the Klan. In the event that something should go wrong, it is the duty of the Klavalier to accept whatever fine, imprisonment or other punishment may be meted out to him, without revealing his identity as a Klansman. The good name of the Klan must be shielded at all costs! You know the penalty for betraying the secrets of the Klan-' Death, death, at the hands ofa Brother.' To become a Klavalier you must seal that oath with your own blood! Do you still wish to proceed? " " I do .. ." I replied, trying to tell myself I was lucky not to be having my throat cut! " Advance, then, and take your position before the altar! " I stepped closer to the table. " This is the Confederate flag for which the South fought," Carter intoned. "Red, symbolizing the blood shed for the South; white, for the purity of its womanhood; and blue for God's blue canopy that covers us.... The blood oath you are about to take is the same as that taken by our illustrious forbears, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of old. Extend your left hand! " Reaching under his robe, Carter brought forth a large jack-knife. He pressed a button on the handle, and a long blade leapt out. Grasping my hand, Carter made a quick slash at my wrist. I was hoping he knew what he was doing, and that the result would not be fatal. A veteran no doubt ofmany such blood-Iettings, he inflicted a gash which missed the principal veins and arteries, but produced a steady flow of blood. Holding my hand over the bowl, Carter let it drip in silence for a minute. Finally he released me and said, " Bind up your wrist! " When I had tied it in my handkerchief, Carter ordered: " Klansman, you will now give the Sign of Consecration! " I knelt in front of the altar on my right knee, placed my right hand over my heart, and raised my left hand in outstretched salute. . . . JOO THE KLAN UNMASKED With great solemnity, Carter administered the blood oath of the Klavaliers: "Klansman, do you solemnly swear by God and the Devil never to betray secrets entrusted to you as a Klavalier of the Klan? " " I swear." " Do you swear to provide yourself with a good gun and plenty of ammunition, so as to be ready when the nigger starts trouble to give him plenty? " " I do...." " Do you further swear to do all in your power to increase the white birth-rate? " Despite the seriousness of the moment, I almost laughed. So the Klavaliers were a menace to white Southern womanhood as well as to everybody else! " I do! " I blurted out with more gusto than I had thus far been able to muster. Carter dipped his forefinger into the bowl of blood, and smeared the Klan's sign ofthe cross on my forehead. Taking up the sword, he tapped me alternately on each shoulder with the fiat of the blade. " Klansman, I dub you Knight of the Klavaliers! Live up to your oath! Be you ever ready to fight for your Honour, your Home, the Klan, and White Supremacy! Arise!" " Congratulations!" Carter added as I stood up. He pulled off his hood and mask, and wiped the perspiration from his jowls. As he gave me the Klan handshake, he said, " Unmask, men, so Perkins can see who his new brothers are. After we've cooled off a bit, I'll explain to Perkins how we work." I looked around the den. I had seen many of the faces before, in various Klaverns around Atlanta. There was Randal, Grand Kligrapp of the Georgia Realm, myoId " buddy" Slim Pickett, and a tough little Kluxer named IraJett (who was eventually to save my life, for reasons ofhis own). I had found Kluxers to be an ugly lot, but this handpicked gang of strong-arm Klansmen were the meanest I had ever seen under one roof. They were capable, I felt sure, of every conceivable form of violence. Frustration, cruelty and alcoholism showed in every face. I resolved to [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26...
