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Tables 1. Historic Creek Towns in Area 1947 Survey of Chattahoochee 11 2. Alabama Tribes 12 3. Historic Creek Towns on the Georgia Side 13 4. Georgia Towns Taken from Maps and Documents 14 5. Sherd Count - Ceramic Complex A 32 6. Sherd Count - Ceramic Complex B 33 7. Sherd Count - Ceramic Complex C 36 8. Sherds from Ceramic Complex D 42 9. Sherds from Ceramic Complex E 50 10. Sherds from Ceramic Complex F 51 11. Sherds from Ceramic Complex G 53 12. Pottery Count of Two Stratigraphic Trenches at Site 1 Ho 3 56 13. Sherd Count - Ceramic Complex H 62 14. Sherd Count - Ceramic Complex I 64 15. Pottery Found on the Surface of 1 Br 15 90 16. Pottery from the Features in the 1 Br 15 Test Trench 94 17. Pottery from the Test Trench on Mound 1 Br 15X1 104 18. Pottery from the Mound by Zones, 1 Br 15X1 105 19. 1 Br 35 - Sherd Count 116 20. 1 Br 37 Pottery Summary 132 21. 1 Ru 28 - Pottery Count 144 22. Occurrence of Pottery, 1 Ru 28 145 23. 1 Ru 28 Non-Ceramic Artifact Catalog 148 24. 1 Ru 61 (Abercrombie Site) Unit 2 Ceramics 165 25. Hurt's Analysis of Ceramics from Abercrombie Village 168 26. Total Sherd Count, 1 Ru 66 179 27. Pottery From Refuse Pits, 1 Ru 66 180 28. Pottery Count, 1 Ru 69 190 29. Artifacts of European Origin, 1 Ru 101 216 30. 1 Ru 101 - Sherd Count 218 ...
