In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Abbreviations Used: A. de 1. = Documcntas Iniditas Relativas al Descubrimienta etc. del Real Archivo de Indias. Madrid. Coil. Ultramar = Colecci6n de Documentos InCd1:tos de Ultramar. Madrid. Fewkes 1= J. \VALTER FEWKES, The Aborigines of Porto Rico and Neighboring Islands. 25th Annnal Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. \Vashington, 1907. Fewkes II = J. \VALTER FEWKES, A Prehistoric Island Culture Area of America. 34th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. \Vashington, 1922. Krieger I = HERBERT W. KRlEGER, The Aborigines of the Ancient Island of Hispaniola . From the Smithsonian Report for 1929, pages 473--506. \\'ashington , 1930. Krieger II = HERBERT W. KRIEGER, A1'Chaeological and Historical Im'estigations in Samanci Dominican Republic. Smithsonian Institution. United States National Museum, Bulletin 147, \Vashington, 1929. Krieger III = HERBERT W. KRIEGER, A boriginal Indian Pottery of the Dominican Republic. Smithsonian Institution. United States National Museum. Bulletin 156. Washington, 193I. G. 1\1. = Goteborgs Museum, Ethnographical Department, Gothenburg. R. l\I. = The Ethnographical State Museum, Stockholm. B. M. = British Museum, I
