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ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY IN THE LOWER MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL VALLEY, 1940-1941 CLASSICS IN SOUTHEASTERN ARCHAEOLOGY Stephen Williams, Series Editor James A. Ford casting a long shadow while waiting for his compatriots in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1939. (Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University) ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY IN THE LOWER MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL VALLEY, 1940-1947 PHILIP PHILLIPS, JAMES A. FORD, AND JAMES B. GRIFFIN Edited and with an Introduction by STEPHEN WILLIAMS THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA PRESS Tuscaloosa Copyright © 2003 The University of Alabama Press Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0380 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Typeface: Janson Text The paper on which this book is printed meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Science-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Phillips, Philip, 1900Archaeological survey in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 1940-1947 / Philip Phillips, James A. Ford, and James B. Griffin; edited and with an introduction by Stephen Williams. p. cm. - (Classics in southeastern archaeology) Originally published: Cambridge, Mass. : Peabody Museum, 1951, in series: Papers of the Peabody Museum ofAmerican Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University: v. 25. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 13: 978-0-8173-5022-2 (pbk.: alk. paper) ISBN 13: 978-0-8173-8475-3 (electronic) 1. Indians of North America-Mississippi River Valley-Antiquities. 2. Indian pottery-Mississippi River Valley. 3. Mississippi River Valley-Antiquities. I. Ford, James Alfred, 1911-1968. II. Griffin, James Bennett, 1905- III. Title, Iv. Series. E378.M75.P452003 976.3'301-dc21 2003047325 Publication of this work has been supported in part by donations from the following agencies, institutions, and individuals. Mr. Albert H. Gordon Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University Dan Josselyn Memorial Fund Front cover Background: Map of the Baytown Site, Arkansas [LMS Site Files, drawn by Philip Phillips] Left: Plane table mapping at the Menard Site, Arkansas, Spring 1841. [LMS site files, work done by Philip Phillips and Mott Davis] Middle: Excavation unit and workers at the Rose Site, Arkansas, April, 1947. [LMS site files, photo by Philip Phillips] Right: Mound A at the Edgefield site, Mississippi, Spring, 1940. [LMS site files, photo by Philip Phillips] Back cover LANDSAT 7 satellite image of LMS survey area. Georeferenced and composited by Bryan S. Haley, Center for Archaeological Research, University of Mississippi. ...
