In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

NINE OF THE DEATH OF GOVERNOR HERNANDO DE SOTO, AND HOW LUIS MOSCOSO WAS SWORN IN AND OBEYED IN HIS PLACE; AND THE HARDSHIPS OF THOSE CONQUISTADORS AND OTHER THINGS ARE RELATED. -The challenge of the cacique Quigudta to the Christians. -Springs of water, from which salt is made. - Hot rivers and salt which is made from the sand. - Rugged and bellicose people. -How the Christians made seven brigantines in order to go away and leave the land, how they left it, and of the flood of a river which lasted forty-three days. TEN, AND LAST OF THE OUTCOME OF THE PEOPLE WHO REMAINED FROM GOVERNOR HERNANDO DE SOTO, AND OTHER PARTICULARS. -Of the animals of that land, and of the marvelous animal, called the sawyer,60 and of the fish, in particular one called pala.61 -Of the fruits of that land and trees of sweetgum and sables and many other particulars. 60£1 aserrador, probably the beaver. 61Probably the paddlefish. See Robertson, ante, p. 206. 306 • THE DE SOTO CHRONICLES ...
