In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Figures 1.1 Distribution of mound centers in the lower Chattahoochee River region 3 2.1 Mound-center settlement systems 20 3.1 Relationship of mound centers to physiographic zones 32 3.2 Plan of Rood’s Landing site 34 3.3 Plan of features on Mound A 35 3.4 Plan of Singer-Moye site 37 3.5 Oblique view of Structure 2H, Mound H 38 3.6 Structure A1, Mound A 39 3.7 A polychrome-painted ceramic human head 40 3.8 Plan of Cemochechobee site 41 3.9 Plan of Abercrombie mound 43 3.10 Plan of Shorter mound 45 3.11 North pro¤le at L4, Shorter mound 45 3.12 Plan of Lampley mound 46 3.13 Plan of Gary’s Fish Pond mound 47 Illustrations 3.14 Excavation of post molds 49 3.15 Plan of Cool Branch site 50 3.16 Plan of Hematite House 51 3.17 Plan of Spud House 52 3.18 Celts found in Spud House 52 3.19 Harold Huscher examines the palisade line 53 3.20 Excavation of a bastion 54 3.21 Pottery from Purcell’s Landing mound 57 3.22 Plan of Omussee Creek mound 58 3.23 East pro¤le of Omussee Creek mound 59 4.1 Ceramic seriation for the lower Chattahoochee River region 63 4.2 Plot of radiocarbon dates 67 5.1 Period I mound centers 79 5.2 Period II mound centers 80 5.3 Period III mound centers 82 5.4 Period IV mound centers 83 5.5 Period V mound centers 84 5.6 Period VI mound centers 85 5.7 Period VII mound centers 86 6.1 Distribution of Averett, Rood, and Wakulla components 103 6.2 Period I ceramic style zones 108 6.3 Period II ceramic style zones 110 6.4 Period III ceramic style zones 111 6.5 Period IV ceramic style zones 112 6.6 Period V ceramic style zones 113 6.7 Period VI ceramic style zones 115 6.8 Period VII ceramic style zones 116 6.9 Style zone of beaker-bottle ¤ne wares 117 viii / illustrations A.1 Plan of Structure 1 147 A.2 Pro¤les of Test Units 1 and 2, Mound A 148 A.3 Southeast pro¤le, Mound D 150 A.4 Plan of Mound A 158 A.5 Plan of Mound C and Mound E 160 A.6 East pro¤le of Mound C 161 A.7 Plan of Mound D 163 A.8 Plan of Mound E features 164 A.9 Plan of Mound H west features 166 A.10 Plan of Structures 2H and 3H, Mound H east 168 B.1 South pro¤le XUA, Abercrombie mound 187 B.2 Pro¤le of Cool Branch mound 208 B.3 East pro¤le of Omussee Creek mound 218 C.1 Common vessel forms 229 C.2 Lamar Plain 230 C.3 Lamar Complicated Stamped 232 C.4 Averett Plain 233 C.5 Cool Branch Incised 234 C.6 Moundville Incised 235 C.7 Fort Walton Incised 237 C.8 Rood Incised 238 C.9 Columbia Incised 239 C.10 Arcade motifs 244 C.11 Appliqué rim modes 246 C.12 Miscellaneous rim modes 247 C.13 Closed handle modes 250 C.14 Open handle modes 250 C.15 Ef¤gy heads and tails 251 illustrations / ix D.1 Dendrogram of ceramic assemblages 255 D.2 Multidimensional scaling of ceramic phase clusters 259 Tables 4.1 Radiocarbon Dates from Lower Chattahoochee River Mound Centers 65 5.1 Number of Mounds in Use and Duration of Mound Use for Seven Time Periods 77 6.1 Frequency (Percent) of Decorated Pottery Types 106 6.2 Lower Chattahoochee–Apalachicola River Ceramic Style Zone and Frontier Sizes by Period 107 A.1 Provenience of Ceramic Types, Mound A 152 A.2 Provenience of Ceramic Modes, Mound A 153 A.3 Provenience of Ceramic Types, Various Mounds 154 A.4 Provenience of Ceramic Modes, Various Mounds 155 A.5 Provenience of Miscellaneous Artifacts 156 A.6 Provenience of Ceramic Types, Various Mounds 171 A.7 Provenience of Ceramic Types, Mound H 172 A.8 Provenience of Ceramic Modes, Various Mounds 173 A.9 Provenience of Miscellaneous Artifacts 175 A.10 Provenience of Ceramic Types 180 B.1 Provenience of XUA-Mound Edge Ceramics 188 B.2 Provenience of Ceramic Types 190 B.3 Provenience of Ceramic Modes 191 B.4 Provenience of Miscellaneous Artifacts 192 B.5 Tertiary Mound...
