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acacia, 137, 193 Adams, John G. B., 115 Adams, John Quincy, 159–60, 166 African-American Masonry, 7, 152–57 African Lodge No. 1 (UD), 154 African Lodge No. 459, 154 aid, fraternal. See obligations, fraternal; prisoners , Masonic; property, protection of; relief Albatross, 134 Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, 10–11 Allen, Clement “J.C.,” 83–84 Allyn, Avery, 39–40 amputation, 118 Anderson, Mrs. Meriweather, 61 Anderson, Robert, 49 Angerona Lodge No. 168, 177n11 Anti-Masonic Party, 38 anti-Masonic sentiment, 37–39, 52–53, 159– 60, 161, 162–63; reversal of, 115–16, 150, 159, 164 aprons, 44–45, 61, 65, 114, 127, 130, 132, 193–94 Archer, 91 Armistead, George, 9 Armistead, Lewis A., 6; death, 8–9, 16, 23– 26; injury, 18–21; Masonic activities, 10– 11; Masonic appeals by, 19–23, 26–30; military career, 9–10; personal attributes, 11–12; and Pickett’s Charge, 12–17 Armistead, Walker K., 9 Atlanta Lodge No. 59, 49 aude, vide, tace, 201 Bachelder, John B., 23, 27 badges of office. See jewels Banes, Charles, 22–23, 27–29 Barker, Thomas E., 120–21 Baron de Kalb, 124 Barr, Hugh, 93–94 Bartlett, Asa W., 82–83 Battle of the Wilderness, 83 Bayou City, 1 Beam, John E., 129–30 Beauregard, P. G. T., 49 Beck, John S., 147 Bendix, John E., 67–68 Bengal mutiny, 161 Benson, Andrew M., 105–6 Benton, Thomas Hart, Jr., 64 Berry, John S., 68 Best, William L., 85 Bingham, Henry H., 8, 24–25, 26–27, 29 Bliss, George N., 90–91 Blue Lodge, 47, 48, 54, 140, 160, 193–94, 195, 200 Index 224 / Index Boggs, Samuel S., 113–14 Book of Constitutions (Anderson), 193 Borland, Matthew, 87–88 Bosang, James N., 120 Bossieux, Virginius, 109, 110, 111 Boyd, Belle, 104 Bright, Robert A., 14–15 Brinton, Daniel Garrison, 26 Brown, John C., 23–24, 27 Brown, Joseph Emerson, 78–79 Bull Run. See Manassas, battles of burial of the enemy, 1–2, 46, 113, 133–39 burial rights, 128–30 burial services, 130–33 Butler, Benjamin F., 68, 73–74 Bynum, George W., 85 cable tow, 194 Caleb Cushing, 91–93 Campbell, James B., 69–70 Camp Bragg Lodge, 143 Canton Lodge No. 60, 177n14 Carter, James T., 16–17 Casco, 92 census (1860), 3, 50–52 certificate. See diploma Chamberlain, Joshua, 49 Champion’s Hill, battle of, 67 Chancellorsville, battle of, 66, 82–83 Charity Lodge No. 190, 171n46 charter, 57, 71–72, 112, 142 Chartiers Lodge No. 297, 170n43 Chase, Jackson H., 68–69 Cherokee Lodge No. 66, 174n5 Chesapeake, 92–93 Chickamauga, battle of, 93–96 chivalry, 2, 77 civilians, 7, 57, 64–65, 101, 140, 145 Claiborne, John H., 104–5 Clark, Charles M., 145–46 clemency, 73–74 Columbian Lodge, 123 communications, 194 compasses, 38, 44–45, 124, 141, 195 Confederate Veteran, 89, 94 Connolly, James Austin, 133 Conoho Lodge No. 131, 71–72 Constitutions of the Freemasons, 31, 161–62 Cook, James, 85 Cooper, Alonzo, 101–2 Copley, John M., 114–15 Corinth, battle of, 66 cowan, 195 Craft Lodges, 194 Cromwell, Oliver, 33 Cross, Edward E., 84 Culpepper, Simon F., 83–84 Cummings, Ariel Ivers, 135–36 Cummings, Charles, 138–39 Curtis, Newton M., 85 Custer, George A., 88 Daggett, Rufus, 107 Dana, Charles, 67 David, Phineas Sterns, 147–48 Davis, Joseph J., 117 degrees (of Masonry), 47, 195–98, 202 demit, 196 deputy, 196 Dimmick, Robert A., 93–94 diploma, 45–46, 136, 196–97 dispensation, 142, 197 Dockery Lodge, 143 Doubleday, Abner, 171n45 Dove, John, 54 Downsville Lodge No. 464, 140 Dubey, Edward A., 93 Duganne, Augustine, 135 Duguid, Edward M., 103–4 Dumenil, Lynn, 35–36, 39 Durgin, John M., 82–83 Durkee, Joseph H., 83 Eagle Lodge No. 431, 177n14 Easley, Drewry B., 18–20, 27, 29 Elmira Prison Camp, The (Holmes), 159 Elwell, Andrew A., 72 emblems. See jewelry Emporia Lodge No. 12, 83 Euclid Lodge No. 45, 90 Index / 225 Excelsior Lodge No. 195, 69 experimentum crucis, 75–76 Farinholt, Benjamin L., 17, 29 Feliciana Lodge No. 31, 134 Finley, George W., 16 Floyd, John, 99 foraging, 74–76, 149 Forest City, 92 Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 65 Fort Gregg, battle of, 89 Fort Pillow, battle of, 83 Foy, Thomas, 136–37 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 88 Franklin, Benjamin, 159, 166 Franklin Lodge, 136 fraternal obligations. See obligations, fraternal fraternal organizations, 2, 35–37, 39–43, 58, 97, 152 fraternization, 4, 94, 106, 150–52, 165...
