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INDEX Page ACOBNS, use oL________________ 48 AOOPTION, custom oL__________ 118 ADULTERY, punishment of____ 110-111 AGRICULTURE among the Choctaw________________________ 46-47 ALIKTABBI, mention oL________ 102 ANIMAL TAILS, significance of use oL_____________________ 44 ANIMALSbeliefs concerning_________ 235 domestic, effect of lack oL_ 49 ApUSHMATAHA, mention oL____ 4, 96 ARMS AND AMMUNITION________ 50 ARRoWPOINTS, materials used for_________________________ 49 ASTOLABE, house of, described__ 39 AUTHORITIES on the Choctaw___ 3 See 0,180 BIBLIOGRAPHY. AYER, EDWARD E., mention of collection of________________ 3 BALL GAME-described__________________ 140, 141, 142-144, 144-149, 150-152, 153-155. injuries inflicted in________ 15] selection of players for____ 153 BALL-PLAY DANCE______________ 143 BANDS, arranged into town moieties____________________ 153 BASKETRY, survival of_________ 40 BASKETS, variety oL__________ 41 BEADS, use of_________________ 43 BEDs, cane____________________ 37,39 BELLOWS, use oL______________ 43 BETTING-on games_________________ 140, 147, 148, 151, 154, 155. Bee 0,180 GAMBLING. BUSHA, a Choctaw band_______ 152 BLOOD REVENGE, law of_______ 104-107 BLOWGUN, small game killed with________________________ 52 BLUEMOUTH INDIANS, origin of the name___________________ 57 BOGUE CHITO INDJANSadherence of, to old cusPage toms ___________________ 194 See a,180 BOK CHITO. BOHPOLI, the pygmy being____ ]98 BOK CHITO-a Choctaw band___________ ]52 See 0,180 BOGUE CHITO. BOKFOKA, death and mutilation of chief of__________________ 107 BOKTOKOLO, chief oL__________ 91 BONE-HOUSE}described__________________ 172 removal of bones to______ 187-188 BONE-PICKERSfunction oL______________ 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 181 use of the term___________ 187 BONE-PICKING, custom of, abandoned _____________...,________ 189 BONES OF THE DEAD, disposal oL 171, 172,173,174,182 BOUKFOUKA, village of, described______________________ 76 Bows, materials used in_______ 49 BURIAL CUSTOMSBayou Lacomb Choctaw___ 185 change in_________________ 177 described___________ 170-194, 217 reasons for_______________ 220 See 0,180 MOURNING CUSTOMS. BURIALSin dwellings______________ 183 in Inound_________________ 8 in sitting posture____ 177,178,189 mounds formed by_________ 177 property rights established by____________________ 182-183 CALENDAR. See TIME. CALUMET-described _________________ 169 use of___________ 97,167,169-170 CAMP LIFE}fondness for______________ 161 occupations in_____________ 161 275 276 INDEX Page CANE TOWNS, mention of_______ 56 CANES, use oL________________ 41 CAPITANE, use of the wor
