In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents Part I Lamar Archaeology Introduction 3 Lamar Archaeology: 1987 10 Part II Time and Space Introduction 27 Regional Chronologies 30 Phase Characteristics 39 Part III Case Studies Introduction 81 1. Pine Barrens Lamar 82 Frankie Snow 2. The Lamar Ceramics of the Georgia Coast 94 Chad O. Braley 3. Recent Investigations in the Core of the Coosa Province 104 James B. Langford, Jr., and Marvin T. Smith 4. Two Late Lamar Sites near Ray's Corner, Oconee County, Georgia 117 Daniel T. Elliott 5. Dallas Phase Architecture and Sociopolitical Structure 125 Richard R. Polhemus 6. A Study of Lamar Ecology on the Western Edge of the Southern Piedmont 139 C. Roger Nance v vi Contents 7. Bottomlands and Rapids: A Mississippian Adaptive Niche in the Georgia Piedmont 147 Gary Shapiro 8. Paired Towns 163 Mark Williams and Gary Shapiro 9. The Rise, Transformation, and Fall of Apalachee: A Case Study of Political Change in a Chiefly Society 175 John R Scarry 10. Stability and Change in Chiefdom-Level Societies: An Examination of Mississippian Political Evolution on the South Atlantic Slope 187 David G. Anderson 11. Conversations with the High Priest of Coosa 214 Charles M. Hudson References Cited 231 Index 253 Figures and Thbles Figures 1 The Lamar Area 5 2 Conference Participants 7 3 Areas of Chronologies 28 4 Square Ground Lamar Sherds 86 5 Square Ground Lamar Stamped Motifs 87 6 Square Ground Lamar Distribution 88 7 Square Ground Lamar Incised Motifs 91 8 Irene Incised Sherds, Prehistoric 97 9 Irene Incised Sherds, Postcontact 98 10 Rim Treatment of Jars, Prehistoric and Postcontact 99 11 Irene Filfot Stamped Sherds 101 12 Coastal Lamar Vessel Shape Categories 102 13 Coosawattee River Sites 105 14 Ray's Corner Location 119 15 Ray's Corner Vessel Types 122 16 Dallas Minimal Settlement Unit 129 17 Dallas Burial Patterning 130 18 Dallas Burial Age-Sex Profiles 133 19 Dallas Structure and Burial Orientation 135 20 Dallas Culture Settlement Model 136 21 Toqua (Artist's Reconstruction) 137 22 Location of Rodgers-CETA Site 141 23 Oconee Valley Mound Sites 150 24 Dyat Site Location 154 25 Oconee Valley, Sites near Shoals 155 26 Oconee Valley Aquatic and Terrestrial Fauna 159 vii viii Figures and Thbles 27 Oconee Valley Cold versus Warm Season Fauna 160 28 Oconee Valley Vessel Forms 161 29 Oconee Valley Jar Size Frequencies 162 30 Paired Mound Sites in Georgia 166 31 Northern Florida Ethnic Areas 179 32 Idealized Mississippian Chiefly Succession 202 33 Hypothetical Mississippian Polities, Vicinity of the Savannah River 204 34 Mississippian Period Archaeological Sites in the Savannah River Region 209 Thbles 1 Sherd Count from Lamar Shell Midden at Site 9JD78 85 2 Sherd Counts from Selected Square Ground Lamar Sites 90 3 Aboriginal Ceramics from Site 9MC41, All Proveniences 96 4 Distances between Barnett Phase Sites 112 5 Coosawattee Valley Ceramic Counts 114 6 Oconee Valley Floodplain Soils 149 7 Oconee Valley Faunal Remains 156 8 Apalachee Grave Goods Distribution 182 ...
