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Taxonomic Determinism 85 are essential to understanding cultural development. For that reason the model proposed here will be based on two economic levels. Cultural evolution's return to respectability resulted in part from the obvious fact that people were once hunters and gatherers, then became farmers and pastoralists, and then lived in cities, which is one rationale for building an evolutionary model based on subsistence. It should be revealing, therefore , to compare the evolutionary types developed by systems based on the use of wild-food resources with those dependent on domestic food resources (i.e., hunting/gathering and farming/pastoralism). The implication here is that economics is the 1/ deep structure" of cultural systems. Figure 4-1 is an abstract scheme of hunting-gathering and agricultural modes of food acquisition, and it treats them like orders in biological evolution. The radiating lines ending with letters on each level indicate the a h n o DOMESTIC FOOD "ORDER" WILD FOOD "ORDER" Figure 4.1. Cross-Culture Types (identified by letters) Developing upon "Orders" Defined on the Basis of Wild and Domestic Food Production 86 O'Brien Stewardian cross-culture types possible for each general mode of subsistence . This "radiation" is conceived as being analogous to the radiation of genera within orders in biology. Whether this cultural radiation is
