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INDEX TO VOLUMES ONE AND TWO INDEX (The Roman numerals "I." and "n." rete.. to the number of the Volume. The numeral Is not repeated In a sequence of Items referring to the same volume.] A....lfDONIIICNTl at Nanlpacana, I. n xlvi, xlvii, :dvlll, 188, II. 293, 807,816; of Ochuac, I. xu, II. 141, 141; of Santa Elena, 1. xlvi, II. 809, 81'1'; of Coot!!. and Polonlla, 17; VelllSCO advises against., lISB, 1II1S. Accountant: Laa Buares in Philip-pines u, II. 846 not, 81. 8.. allo Pere&, Monso; allet Treasury officials . Accounting: rules concerning, I. 2.5. Aooma, New Medco: TrisUn de Luna at, I. :u:v. Acufta, Captain JuJiao de (brother of Pedro): opinion of, I. :dvl, 11, 149, 17J, 201; to take charge of .rWlery. 119; witness, 148, 14(1, 1401; signature , 211, II. 7. 28, 81, 66, 61, 111, 126, 185; at Nanipacana junta, Sli; at Ochuse juntas, 76, 91, 181-185; protests sending tender, 117. Acuna, Captain Pedro de (brother of Julhl.n): re.) : at junta. II. 315; In Coosa party, 8111. BallCl'Oft, H . H.I Hidory of AlImo, cited, I. JlJl:vi ROte 240, 2151 ROt. 40, II. &wi n.ot, 21. Baracaldo, Gaspar de (married sol· dler) : signature, I. 18!i ; arquc. bmlcr left at Monte Cristo, II. 299, SU . BarandalJa. Father (secular): license to return home, I. W, 18; tempera· ment, Ill ; letters to Vel8.!lt':Oo 121; at j unta, 1059, 259 tIOt, 8. Barda. A. G. de: EAlaya Ct'onolDgko, clted, I. xxi not, ~ xxiv note 1'1', :n:Jdv not. 48, uxvlll .at. 117, xli not~ 61, xlvi not. 188. Barrio Nuevo, Franciscu del es:pcdl. tiOI'lll to J l!mCl and Taos, I. :o:vl. Barrl03, Pedro de: Signature, II. 18; wltne8ll,11. Bautista. Juan (married soldier) I signature, I. 18!i, 148. Buarcs, Guido de las: on La Florida coast, I. :avli, xxiv; provisional governor In the PhUipplnes, 26ti wot. 78; declaratlou, II. 888-339 ; discovers Bahia FllJplna, 218, 2111; accountant, 846 tailt. SI; signature, ..,. Benites, Francisco (sergeant):· signature , 11. 83, 91. Bermudez - -- (soldier): remalnl In Monte Cristo, II. 299, 811. Bermudell, Pedro de: signature, II. IS. Beteta, F ray Gregorio de: in La Florida. I. Ixv; In Mexico, Ill; to go to La Florida, 1211, 121, 129; with Cancer, 264. ftOte 52; goes to Santa Elena with Biedma, n. 189; '52 THE LUNA PAPERS returlll on Sa" /tuJJI, 161·169; In Malco, HIS. Bledma. Captain Diego de: with Martin Doz, I. xlix, Ix; to go to La Florida, lOS j recruits, 1~7; assigned Iud sent to Santa Elena. II. 115, 131, 189, 161, left at Ochuse. 2911, 2119, 809, 817; accompanies Soto, 848 Mt. 7. Biggar, H. P.: TA, Voyager 0/ Ia.c- ~, Cartl.r, dted, t. 2/UJ flOe, 67. DUbao, Martin de (soldier): sigDAture , II. 18, 43. BUdOlOla, Marl{n de (married soldler ): Signature, I. 185, 143. Bimini: fabulous Island, t. xix. Blrues, Guillermo de (soldier): algnature , II. III, 48. Bishop: of Cuba, I. xxii; of Mexico, xxII i of Chlapas, II. 226, Blair, Emma Helen: TA, PhUtppm. 1,klndI, cited, II. 8.f.6 not. 81. BobadiUa, Ensign ....1'Vsro de: Ilgnature , IJ. 18, 48, 88, 91. Bolton, H. E.: Th, 8ponuh OCctlpatioft of TIm'. cited, S45 not. 27. Boquln. Felipe: messenger to Vda.sco, I. 61. Borobla: rrilla of Arellano family. I. nJy, JI. 208. Bourne, E. G.: Narrativu of th, Oar'" of . . . 80to, cited, J. xxII not, 10, II. 8U Mte 28. Bracamonte, Hernando de: recruits In Cempeche, J. 103; to go to La Florida, 183. Bravo, Dr. ---I judge of audlencia ot Mexico, I. 19; to hear Luna'. report, II. 201; ordet3 witnesses examined, 207; signature, 209. Bravo. Rio (Grande del Norte): Identlfl.ed, I. wi. Brigantine; to be bunt in La Florida, 1.95; to go with ships, 115; to explore coast, 123, 125; petition to atop voyage, 141; sent to La Havana , 1515; tails to return to Mexico, n. 16T. 8e. allo Ships. Brbtol, England: native ot, II. 177. Brlvlesca, Ucentlate - - - I signature , I. "7. Busto, Juan de: to seek land route to La Florida, I. 615, 78, 815; to visit Luna, 183; to go In brigantine, 198; discoverer of Ogitipa, 261 Mt. 26 ; sketch, 261 ISOle 29. C "'CUq, Alonso de (soldier): signature , II. 18. CacIque (Don SebIL5Wn): eJIOeeuted in Oa1&C& by Luna, II. a..5 fIOt. 11. ~ Spain: Pedro Menenciea: driven back to, I. IT9; help sent to trom Gibraltar, II. 844 Mt. 15. Cempeche, Mexico: supplies...
