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)ohn Lowther ASLEEPING a kind of rendezvous are we rolling am i am i audible good evening getting here tonight was difficult but we’ve reached a kind of rendezvous i think as if this were a speech delivered for no matter what occasion but at a certain time a certain hour whatever the time is now i didnt wear my watch wdnt have been able to see it anyway the way a perception shreds if you try to reapproach the grasping after things in dreams a problematic for lucidity lucidity a cheap lantern you remember instances moments how did they fit together ? someone said theyre the narratives we tell ourselves when we’re asleep asleeping these narratives that we tell ourselves when we are asleep when we wake up are they there ? they are not there in that way this way and it is in that way this somewhat like poetry poetry is not a thing a thing on a piece of paper except for this one that i am holding and reading all of this from but thats a lie tho right ? my hands are empty the blindfold poetry is a thing that happens is happening i dont want to locate it or lie anymore the locus questionable locus questionababblus loco quest ibble babbla the road runner boes beep beep the sound of a door let us for the moment knowing that it is as all are a faulty metaphor say that it is located in your head poetry opens a door a kind of rendezvous like a speech given for no particular occasion but at such and such and hour at such and such a place my experience now my vision is split my right eye sees a gray bright white my left nothing certain this is ended was it located in my head ? these sorts of things dont happen in dreams no glint of sunlight no glint of anything off glass off a windshield in the sun instead we get actions it seems stories it seems last night it seems i was at a long table across a room what about it nothing i-i-i dont know but this room and table is this room let us say and so from here where i’m pointing generally to there where i can’t see but remember somewhat thats my sense of the space a long table long row of these forms forms in that sense a simple one and many many boxes to check to fill its akin vaguely to my job which is interviewing people over the telephone one of my jobs jobs mean nothing yr not supposed to care about jobs you just do them is a line from a movie so i was moving my way across i was checking all the boxes but i realized that every one i had checked was the same box and statistically thats very unlikely or so i knew then and so wd i be necessitating some sort of a recount ? it cd be was i being crooked was the one that i checked the one i was trying to put forth as everybodys favorite dreams the things we tell ourselves when we are asleep a kind of split rendezvous in our sleep we question later what happened we look at the specifics images leap forward this row of forms of boxes i checked each one knowing that somehow i was cheating somehow i’m cheating now right ? poems cant be this easy so this cdnt be poetry where is the rhyme the piece on that side of the room i gesture vaguely a painting i think its atop a table it is something like a haiku you dont know anybody and you feel awkward very small some of you may be able to see the letters T U X asleeping questions come up with asleeping why is it the way it is why are we looking down on it where are we in relation to it are we from the sleeping side looking forward to where it is we’ll be awake ? the traffic was long in the fast lane night vision terrible much like this a haze of some light out there red looming luminescence the windshield wipers that need replacement the streaks they leave across like an arc of a rainbow all red riding of course too close to someones ass at that speed dangerous but then feeling quite good really if i...
