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The following essays appeared, most in different form, in the following publications and are reprinted here by permission: “Crisis in the Humanities? Recon¤guring Literary Study for the Twenty-¤rst Century,” as “In Defense of Poetry: Put the Literary Back in Literature,” Boston Review 24: 6 (Dec.–Jan. 1999–2000): 22–26. “The Search for ‘Prime Words’: Ezra Pound as Nominalist,” Paideuma: Studies in American and British Modernist Poetry 32, Numbers 1–3 (fall 2003), 205–28. “‘But isn’t the same at least the same?’ Wittgenstein on Translation,” in The Literary Wittgenstein, ed. John Gibson and Wolfgang Huemer (London: Routledge, 2004), 34–54. In an earlier version, this essay appeared in Jacket,, and in Salt 14: The Jacket Issue, ed. John Tranter (2003): 17–43. “‘Logocinéma of the Frontiersman’: Eugene Jolas’s Multilingual Poetics and Its Legacies,” Kunapipi 20 (1999): 145–63. “‘The Silence that is not Silence’: Acoustic Art in Samuel Beckett’s Radio Plays,” in Samuel Beckett and the Arts: Music, Visual Arts, and Non-Print Media, ed. Lois Oppenheim (New York: Garland, 1999), 247–68. “The Beckett/Feldman Radio Collaboration: Words and Music as Hörspiel,” Beckett Circle 26, no. 2 (fall 2003), 7–10. Used by permission of Routledge/ Taylor & Francis Books Inc. “Language Poetry and the Lyric Subject: Ron Silliman’s Albany,Susan Howe’s Buffalo,” Critical Inquiry 25 (spring 1999), 405–34. “After Language Poetry: Innovation and Its Theoretical Discontents,” in The World in Time and Space: Towards a History of Innovative American Poetry, 1970–2000, ed.Joseph Donahue and Edward Foster (Talisman House Press, 2000), 333–55. “The Invention of ‘Concrete Prose’: Haroldo de Campos’s Galaxias and AfAcknowledgments ter,” Contemporary Literature, special issue: American Poetry of the 1990s, ed. Thomas Gardner, 42, 2 (summer 2001): 270–93. “The Oulipo Factor: The Procedural Poetics of Christian Bök and Caroline Bergvall,” Textual Poetics, 17.3 (winter 2003). “Filling the Space with Trace: Tom Raworth’s Letters from Yaddo,” The Gig, ed. Nate Dorward, 13–14 (May 2003): 130–44. “Teaching the ‘New’ Poetries: The Case of Rae Armantrout,”Kiosk: A Journal of Poetry, Poetics, and Experimental Prose, 1 (2002): 235–60. “Writing Poetry/Writing about Poetry: Some Problems of Af¤liation,” Symploke 7: 2 (2000): 21–29; rpt. in Af¤liations: Identity in Academic Culture, ed. Jeffrey R. Di Leo (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2003), 133–43. The author gratefully acknowledges permission to reprint excerpts from the following sources: Rae Armantrout,The Pretext (Los Angeles: Green Integer,2001).Used by permission of Sun & Moon Press. Christian Bök, Eunoia (Toronto: Coach House Books, 2001). Used by permission of Coach House Books. Jorie Graham, “Evolution,” in Never (New York: Ecco/HarperCollins, 2002), copyright © 2002 Jorie Graham. Used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers Inc. Susan Howe, “Secret History of the Dividing Line,” in Frame Structures: Early Poems, 1974–1979 (New York: New Directions, 1996), copyright © 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1996 Susan Howe. Used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation. Harryette Mullen, Muse & Drudge (Philadelphia: Singing Horse Press, 1995). Frank O’Hara, “Lana Turner Has Collapsed!”in The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara, ed. Donald Allen (Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press, 1995), copyright © Frank O’Hara. Used by permission of City Lights Books. Ezra Pound, “Canto LXVIII,” in The Cantos (New York: New Directions, 1993), copyright © 1934, 1937, 1948, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1963, 1966, and 1968 Ezra Pound. Used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation . Tom Raworth, Collected Poems (Manchester, Eng.: Carcanet Press, 2003). Used by permission of Carcanet Press, Ltd. Joan Retallack, How to Do Things with Words (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 1998). Used by permission of Sun & Moon Press. Jacques Roubaud, Quelque chose noir (Paris: Gallimard, 1986). Used by perviii Acknowledgments mission of Gallimard; and Rosmarie Waldrop, trans., some thing black [from “Unlikeness,” a section of her translation of Quelque chose noir] (Elmwood Park, IL: Dalkey Archive, 1990). Used by permission of Dalkey Archive. Ron Silliman, “Albany,” in ABC (Berkeley, CA: Tuumba Press, 1983); and “Under Albany” (Detroit: Gale Research Center, 1997, in Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series, vol. 29, ed. Joyce Nakamura, Gale Research, Detroit, MI, 1998). Used by permission of Ron Silliman. William Carlos Williams, “The Young Housewife,” in The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams, vol. 1, 1909–1939, ed. A. Walton Litz and Christopher MacGowan (New York: New Directions, 1986), copyright © 1938 New Directions Publishing Corporation. Used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation. Acknowledgments ix ...
