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PRIMARY SOURCES Interviews Bohm, Leonard. Telephone interview by author, July 9, 2001. Daily, Francis. Telephone interviews by author, July 17, 2001, and January 6, 2002. Fisher, William. Telephone interview by author, April 11, 2002. Haynes, Robert E. Telephone interview by author, October 10, 2002. Homec, Maxsy. Telephone interview by author, January 10, 2003. King, James. Telephone interview by author, July 31, 2001. Whalen, Lloyd. Telephone interview by author, April 11, 2002. Woodham, Tim. Telephone interview by author, July 9, 2001. Survivors’ Statements Collected by U.S.S. Liscome Bay Association Bergquist, Raymond J. Beymer, John T. Bohm, Leonard. Fisher, William. Haynes, Robert E. Honold, James D. Jelsema, Carl, 1998. Jenkins, John. Jonas, Edward. Woodham, Tim E. Woodward, William J., Jr. Unpublished Memoirs Beasley, James C. “The U.S.S. Liscome Bay—(CVE 56).” November 1994. Copy in author’s possession. Bibliography Cruse, Donald. “Back to Sea in U.S.S. Liscome Bay.” January 1987. Copy in author ’s possession. Daily, Francis X. “The Forgotten Flattop: U.S.S. Liscome Bay—CVE 56.” 1998. Copy in author’s possession. National Archives, Modern Military Records Branch, College Park, Maryland Ames, Oliver. “Action Report of the U.S.S. Liscome Bay (CVE-56).” December 16, 1943. 1. “Report of War Operations—U.S.S. Liscome Bay.” December 8, 1943. Beebe, Marshall U. “Comments of Commanding Of¤cer of Composite Squadron Thirty-Nine Re: Operation of Aircraft Aboard U.S.S. Liscome Bay.” December 16, 1943. Bolster, C. M., et al. “U.S.S. Liscome Bay (CVE-56)—Loss of. Report of Investigation Board.” December 22, 1943. Bureau of Ships. “Loss of Liscome Bay.” War damage report no. 45, March 10, 1944. Calhoun, Walter C. (commanding of¤cer, USS Baltimore). “U.S.S. Liscome Bay— Report On.” After-action report, December 10, 1943. Commander in Chief, United States Fleet. “U.S.S. Liscome Bay (CVE 56)—Loss of.” Memorandum to commanders in chief, Paci¤c and Atlantic Fleets, December 30, 1943. Grif¤n, Robert M. “Report of Loss of U.S.S. Liscome Bay.” Commander Task Group 52.13 action report (Serial 0034), December 11, 1943. Hunter, J. L. (commanding of¤cer, USS Mississippi). “The Sinking of the U.S.S. Liscome Bay.” After-action report, December 5, 1943. Koenig, J. W. (commanding of¤cer, USS Maury). “U.S.S. Liscome Bay, Loss of, Maury Account of.” After-action report, December 2, 1943. Motes, J. L. (commanding of¤cer, USS Gridley). “Action Report.” After-action report , November 26, 1943. Naval Aviation Accident Report 44-9143 (accident of October 16, 1943). Naval Aviation Accident Report 44-9577 (accident of November 9, 1943). Rittenhouse, E. B. (commanding of¤cer, USS Hughes). “Operations Incident to Sinking of U.S.S. Liscome Bay—Report of.” After-action report, November 26, 1943. Solomons, E. A. (commanding of¤cer, Destroyer Division 2). “Action Report, Sinking of U.S.S. Liscome Bay, 24 November 1943.” November 30, 1943. Talk between Ships (TBS) log, USS Idaho. November 24, 1943. Taylor, H. W. (commanding of¤cer, USS Coral Sea). “Sinking of U.S.S. Liscome Bay on 24 November 1943—Report on.” After-action report, December 3, 1943. “U.S.S. Liscome Bay (CVE 56)—Loss of.” Memorandum report prepared by Department of the Navy’s Damage Investigation Board, December 22, 1943. Williamson, F. T. (commanding of¤cer, USS Morris). “U.S.S. Liscome Bay— sinking of.” After-action report, November 25, 1943. 238 / Bibliography Young, A. L. “Sinking of U.S.S. Liscome Bay.” Memorandum, December 10, 1943. Zacharias, E. M. (commanding of¤cer, USS New Mexico). “U.S.S. Liscome Bay (CVE 56), Sinking of.” After-action report, November 30, 1943. Naval Historical Center, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C. Gold Star citation for Commander Charles Crommelin. Letter of commendation citation for Commander Oliver Ames. Letter of commendation citation for Commander Irving D. Wiltsie. Letter of commendation citation for Seaman Second Class Richard L. Abbott Jr. Letter of commendation citation for Lieutenant John B. Rowe. Navy and Marine Corps Medal citation for Lieutenant Gardner Smith. Navy Cross citation for Lieutenant Commander Wells W. Carroll. Navy Cross citation for Mess Attendant Second Class Doris Miller. Navy Cross citation for Lieutenant Commander John B. Rowe. Navy Cross citation for Captain Irving D. Wiltsie. “Ship’s Cook Third Class Doris Miller, USN.” (visited April 3, 2001). Ships’ Histories Section. “History of the U.S.S. Liscome Bay (CVE 56)” (November 1950). Silver Star citation for Commander...
