In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

2.1 King Site Tool Types by Morphology and Function 20 2.2 Selected Debitage Characteristics 21 2.3 Flintknapper Burials and Iron Implements 24 3.1 Modi¤ed Stone Tools in the Lasley Vore Lithic Assemblage 38 3.2 Heat Alteration within Types or Type Combinations in the 5-Cluster Sample 38 3.3 Complete vs. Broken Pieces among Several Types or Type Combinations in the Combined 5-Cluster Type Collections 39 3.4 Technological Debris Classes in the Utilized and Nonutilized Debris Samples for each Cluster 40 3.5 Principal Activities Discerned in the Lasley Vore Artifact Assemblage 46 4.1 Stone Tools from Two Chickasaw Sites 55 7.1 Selected Archaeological Sites in the Hawaiian Islands with Reported Post-Contact Occupations and Stone Adzes 103 9.1 Frequency, Percentage, and Density of Chipped-stone Lithics 135 9.2 Frequency and Percentage of Obsidian and Chert Lithic Types 136 9.3 Platform Frequency and Percentage for Obsidian and Chert Complete and Proximal Flakes 141 9.4 Obsidian Source Frequency and Percentage for Analyzed Artifacts 147 10.1 Context of Endscraper Recovery at Four North Alaskan Archaeological Sites 161 Tables ...
