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Tables 1. Generation of Potential Human Demographic Patterns 21 2. Cultural Chronology for South Florida during the Glades Tradition 56 3. Cultural Chronology for South Florida during the Pre-Glades Period 58 4. Cultural Chronology during the Paleoindian and Archaic Periods 59 5. Comparison of Chronological Sequences for the North and South Florida Late Archaic 69 6. Frequency Shift in Belle Glade Plain and Sand-tempered Plain Ceramics at the John Quiet Site, Cape Haze Peninsula 85 7. Radiocarbon Dates from Key Marco 90 8. Seasonal Distribution of Rainfall in South Florida 101 9. Classification of Coastal Ecological Systems for the Southwest Florida Gulf Coast 116 10. Longitudinal Fish-Catch Data by County, 1966-1975, in Kilograms x 1000 129 11. Season of Maximum Availability of Selected Fish Species 135 List of Tables ix 12. Geological Chronology of South Florida 140 13. Paleoenvironmental History of South Florida 142 14. Sea-Level Transgression for Southwest Florida, in Meters 154 15. Shift in Faunal Exploitative Pattern on Marco Island 210 16. Bayshore Homes Life Table 221 17. Faunal Data from the Platt Island Site 225 18. Energetic Composition of the Coastal Fauna, Wightman Site 226 19. The Caloric Intake of the Onge 232 20. Comparative MNI Faunal Values for Southwest Florida Coastal Sites 236 21. Faunal Remains from Southwest Florida Coastal Sites 238 ...
