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 Index abolitionism, , , , , , , n Adams, Abigail,  aesthetics, , –, –, , , , , , – Afro-Americans: ecology and, , –, –, –, –, –, , , n; Haitian Revolution and, –; objectification and, , –, n; origin stories and, –; parahumanity of, –, , , , –; personhood and, , n, n; religious practices and, , –, –, –, , –, –, , –; slavery and, , –, –, –, –; storytelling practices of, –, , –, –, –, –, n. See also ecology; maroons; personhood; plantation zone; slavery; subjects Agamben, Giorgio, –, , n, n agency: Afro-Americans and, ; bodily disaggregation and, –, , –, –; cosmopolitics and, –; definitions of, ; ecology and, , –, , ; fetishes and, , , –; personhood and, –, , , , n; subalterns and, , , ; vitalism and, –, , , ,  American Lotus, Venus Flytrap, Great Blue Heron (Bartram), , , –, n American Philosophical Society,  anabiography, –,  analogy, –, , , ,  Ananse stories, –, –, , n Anatomy of Melancholy (Burton),  Andromeda pulverulenta,  Anglo-Europeans: colonial anxieties of, , , , –, –, , –; slave bodies and, –, , –; tropical climates and, –, –, , –, , , . See also colonialism; ecology; enlightenment; plantation zone; slavery animals and animality, , –, –, –, n animism, –, –, ,  Aravamudan, Srinivas, , , –, n archives, , , – Arnold, A. James, ,  assemblages, , , , , , , , , , , –. See also ecology; parts (of wholes) Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.   INDEX Atala (Chateaubriand), n Atheneum,  Autobiography (Franklin),  Bancroft, Edward,  Barbados Slave Code,  Barton, Benjamin, , –, , , n Bartram, William, , –, –, –, , ,  Bascom, William, –, , , n Battle of Vertiers,  “Beau sang giclé” (Césaire), – Behn, Aphra,  Benítez-Rojo, Antonio,  “Benito Cereno” (Melville), ,  Bennett, Jane, ,  Bergson, Henri,  Best, Stephen, n Bible, – blackness, –, –,  Black Skin, White Masks (Fanon), – Blackstone, William, , –, n, n Blake (Delany), –,  Blake, William, , , , ,  bodies: agency and, , –, ; assemblages and, , –; botany and, –; climates and, –, –, –, ; cosmopolitics and, –; disaggregations of, –, –, , , , , , –, , –, , –, , –, n; headlessness and, –, –, , n, n; identity and, –, , –, –, , n, n; interiority and, –, ; measurement and, ; mirror stage and, –; the parahuman and, ; parahumanity and, –, –; personhood and, –, , ; slavery and, , – Boerhaave, Herman,  Bosman, Willem,  The Botanic Garden (Darwin),  botany, , , –, , –, –, , –. See also Bartram, William; ecology; religions Brickell, John,  Brown, Charles Brockden, ,  Brutus, Timoléon,  bubonic plague,  Buck-Morss, Susan, – Buell, Lawrence, n, n Burke, Edmund, , –, n Burr, Aaron, , ,  Burton, Robert,  Byrd, William,  Cameron, Sharon,  Candide (Voltaire),  capitalism, –, –, , –, , –, n Caribbean Discourse (Glissant),  Carolina Constitution,  cartography, , , , , ,  Catholicism, , – Césaire, Aimé,  Chamoiseau, Patrick, – Charles I,  Chateaubriand, François René de, , n citizenship, , , , , –, , ,  La civilisation du bossale (Condé), – climates, , –, –, , –, , , n, n Code Noir, , ,  cogito, , , –, , n Collinson, Peter, ,  [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 08:04 GMT) INDEX   “The Colloquy of Monos and Una” (Poe),  colonialism: cartography and, , ; decolonization and, –; diversion and, –; ecology and, –, –, –, –, –, , n; Haiti and, , , –, –; minoritarian uses of, , –; objectification and, –, –; parahumanity and, –, –, –; personhood and, , ; print culture and, –; religious practices and, , , –; sufficient humanity and, –; tropical climates and, –. See also Afro-Americans; plantation zone; slavery combination. See assemblages; relationality Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone),  Condé, Maryse, , – cosmology, –, –, , –, , , –, –, – cosmopolitanism, , – counterfactuals, –, n creoles and creolization, –, –, –, , –, –, –. See also Afro-Americans; ecology; identity; parahumanity Creole Tales (Chamoiseau), – Crèvecoeur, J. Hector,  Cristophe, Henri, , , , n Crosley, Reginald,  Cuba, , , , ,  Cuguano, Ottobah, ,  Cullen, William,  Damballah,  Darwin, Erasmus, , – David, Jacques-Louis,  Dayan, Colin (Joan), , , , n de Brosses, Charles,  decolonization, – de Landa, Manuel,  Delany, Martin, –,  Deleuze, Gilles, , , , –, , n Depestre, René,  Derrida, Jacques,  Desalines (Lopez),  Descartes, René,  Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, , , –, , , n, n Diderot, Denis, ,  “The Dignity of Human Nature” (Bartram),  Dillon, Elizabeth Maddock, –, n disaggregation (bodily): agency and, –, –; bodies and, –, , , –, , –, , –; headlessness and, –, –, –, n, n; identity and, , , ; mirror stage and, –; parahumanity and, –, –; relationality and, – diseases, –, –, , , –, n. See also specific diseases Dismal Swamp (Virginia), ,  Dissertation on Pleasure and Pain (Franklin), ,  diversion, – Dog’s Head story, –, , , – Douglass, Frederick, –, n Dralsé de Grandpierre, ,  Drexler, Michael, –, , n drumming, – Dubroca, Jean-Louis, – Du culte des dieux fetiches (de Brosses),    INDEX Earl, James,  Earle, William, Jr., , –, , n ecology: Afro-Americans and, –, –, –, –, , , n; agency and, , –, ; bodies’ integrity and, –, ; cosmological ontologies and, –, –, –, , ; definitions of, ; exteriority and, –, –; fetishes’ relation to, –, –; Haitian Revolution and, ; maroonage and, –; materialism and, –; minoritarian resistance and, –, , –; natural historians and, , –, , –, n, n; personhood and, –, –, , –, , –, –, , ; plantation zones and, –, –, , –; religious practices and, , ; vitalism and, , – Egan, Jim,  Elements of Botany (Barton), – enlightenment, –, –, –, , , , –, –, –. See also cartography; colonialism; Kant, Immanuel; Locke, John Equiano, Olaudah, ,  Erzuli,  Essai sur l’histoire naturelle de St. Domingue (Nicholson), ,  Essay on the Geography of Plants (Humboldt),  etherealization, – exteriority, , –, , –, –, –, n “The Fall of the House of Usher” (Poe), ,  Fanon, Frantz, , , –, –, n, n, n Fearman, William,  Fenelon, M de, , ,  fetishes: agency and, , –, , –, –; cosmological significances of, –, ; definitions of, –, , n; personhood and, , , – Fiedler, Leslie,  Fischer, Sibylle,  forces, , –, , –, –, –, –, –. See also Deleuze, Gilles; exteriority; materialism; parts (of wholes); proximity Fothergill, John, ,  Foucault, Michel, , n, n Fourgeoud, Louis Henri,  France, , ,  Franklin, Benjamin, , , , , , , , n French Revolution,  Fue muerta y destrozada (Lopez), ,  “A Funeral Poem on the Death of C.E.” (Wheatley),  Gates, Henry Louis, ,  gender, , , –, , –, n, n Glissant, Édouard, , , –, –, , –, –, ,  Gordon-Reed, Annette, ,  Goudie, Sean, , –, n Grainger, James,  Gray, Thomas, – Guattari, Félix, ,  Guevara, Che,  Guiana, ,  Gulliver’s Travels (Swift),  [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 08:04 GMT) INDEX   Habermas, Jürgen,  Haiti, , , , –, –, , –, , –, , n. See also Sansay, Leonara; Secret History (Sansay); Zelica (Sansay) Haitian Constitution,  Haitian Revolution, , , , –, , – Haitian...
