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Abrams, Meyer H.: definition of masterpiece, 60; Hegel's influence on, 13, 59, 225 n. 29; Natural Supernaturalism, 59­60, 69 Adams, Henry, 85, 144, 242­43 n. 34 Adorno, Theodor, 164, 232 n. 19, 236 n. 45, 259 n. 3 affirmative action programs: and consent, 183­84 Althusser, Louis: and agency, 164; and base/ superstructure model, 27; and Derrida, 235­36 n. 39; and Gramsci, 159, 254­55 n. 15; on ideology, 131­32, 236­37 n. 45; on metaphysical history, 228 n. 48; as posthumanist, 189­91; on problematic, 229 n. 52; on schools, 197. See also Hegelianism Apollonianism: of Arnold, 73­78; of Babbitt, 81­87; and disinterestedness, 62­64; domestication of Dionysiacforce, 15­17, 35­37, 51­52; as Egyptianism, 61­62, 238 n. 55; and logocentrism, 16­17, 51­52; and maturity, 205­7; of modern literary criticism, 50­52; as Orientalism, 17­18; posthumanist resistance to, 188­90; of Richards, 94­103; and spatial form, 19. See also circle, centered; Dionysiac force; eye; panopticism Argyros, Alex, 234­35 n. 34 Arnold, Matthew: affinities with Schiller, 240 n. 14; Culture and Anarchy, 71­78, 240 n. 16; and facticity, 240­41 n. 17; "The Functionof Criticism at the Present Time," 70; as general intellectual, 77; on Homeric and Periclean cultures, 115­16; nostalgia for lost origin, 70; racism of, 251 n. 84; reclaiming classical heritage, 56­57; and saving remnant, 58­59; on the state, 74­75; violence of disinterestedness, 75­78; on Virgil, 112, 251 n. 83 Aronowitz, Stanley, 265­66 n. 14 Auerbach, Erich: "Figura," 49; Hegelianism of, 226 n. 31 Augustine, Saint, 17 Babbitt, Irving: and classical canon, 85­86; Democracy and Leadership, 90­92; on eccentricity, 79­80, 241 n. 23; on high and low culture, 242 n. 33; influence of, 243 n. 38, 244 n. 52; Literature and the American College, 79­89; as Orientalist, 82; and patriarchal cultural memory, 86­87; phallocentrism of, 88­90; recuperation of lost center, 79­80; Rousseauand Romanticism, 80­87 Bacon, Francis, 20, 67 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 44, 142, 164, 235 n. 35, 250 n. 81 Barthes, Roland, 229 n. 48 base/superstructure model. See Marxism Bate, Walter Jackson: anxiety over cultural heritage, 223 n. 5; and Babbitt, 244 n. 52; "The Crisis in English Studies," 1­2, 268 n. 28; repression of emergent discourses, 156 be­ing: distinguished from Being, 17, 227 n. 34 Benjamin, Walter, 119, 208 Bennett, William J.: anxiety over cultural heritage, 209­10, 223 n. 5; and modern humanist university, xvii; and other humanist reformers, 233 n. 4; and political correctness, 260­61 n. 20; and protest movement, 3; repression of emergent discourses, 156; "To Reclaim a Legacy," 2, 234 n. 32 Bentham, Jeremy, 39­42. See also Panopticon Bercovitch, Sacvan, 111, 250 n. 82 Bergson, Henri: Time and Free Will, 20 Berlin, James, 139 Birmingham School of CulturalCriticism, 236­37 n. 45 Blackmur, R. P.: "Humanism and the Symbolic Imagination," 88, 91­93 Blake, William, 31 Bloom, Allan, 55­56, 156, 175­77, 225­26 n. 29, 234 n. 32, 242 n. 33 Bok, Derek, 1, 133, 151­53 271 ^^^^^^^^1 Bove\ Paul: critique of Richards, 98, 244­45 n. 54; Intellectuals in Power, 125, 195­96; on leading intellectual, 264­65 n. 10 Burke, Edmund, 90­91 Campanella, Tommaso: The City of the Sun, 33­35 canon: and accommodation of deviant texts, 56, 142­43; Christian, and modern humanist, 51­53; as ideological instrument of dominant culture, 50­55. See also Report on the Core Curriculum Cervantes, Miguel de: Don Quixote, 143 Cheney, Lynne V., 156­58, 223 n. 5 Chomsky, Noam: debate with Foucault, 258­59 n. 52 circle, centered: and ec­centricity, 13; as figure for beauty and perfection, 29; as figure for sociopolitical power, 31­32, 231­32 n. 16; as figure informing poetic humanism and positivist science, 66­68; and periphery, 33; as speculative instrument, 29­30; and supervisory gaze, 11. See also culture; Panopticon; spatial form circle, decentered: and dominantculture, 218­19 circle, hermeneutic, 163, 189, 246 n. 63, 262 n. 1 circular city, 33­36, 104­5, 231­32 n. 16 circularity: of narrative time, and linearity, 10­11 colonization. See circle, centered; culture; Roman civilization Columbia University: April­May 1968 crisis, 166, 168­70, 178­80; connection between War Issues Course and General Honors, 121­23; model for Harvard Redbook, 123, 127 Conant, James Bryant: Education in a Divided World, 128­31 countermemory, 3­4, 6, 11, 87 Creeley, Robert, 246...
