In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Abbreviations BO = Bodenlos: eine philosophische Autobiographie [Rootless: A Philosophical Autobiography] DR = Da religiosidade [Of Religiosity] FL = Filosofía da linguagem [Philosophy of Language] FM = The Freedom of the Migrant: Objections to Nationalism GE = Gesten: Versuch einer Phänomenologie [Gestures: Attempt toward a Phenomenology] JS = Jude sein: Essays, Briefe, Fiktionen [Being Jewish: Essays, Letters, Fictions] KO = Kommunikologie [Communicology] LO = Lob der Oberflächlichkeit: für eine Phänomenologie der Medien [In Praise of Superficiality: Toward a Phenomenology of Media] LR = Língua e realidade [Language and Reality] PH = Pós-História: vinte instantâneos e um modo de usar [Posthistory: A Corrected Historiography] PP = Toward a Philosophy of Photography VA = Vampyroteuthis infernalis: eine Abhandlung samt Befund des Institut Scientifique de Recherche Paranaturaliste [Vampyroteuthis infernalis: A Treatise, Including a Report, from the Scientific Institute for Paranaturalist Research] VZ = Vom Zweifel [On Doubt] WF = Does Writing Have a Future? ZG = Zwiegespräche: Interviews 1967–1991 [Interviews] xiii This page intentionally left blank ...
