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i n d e x Adorno, Theodor, 56 aesthetics, 39; choreography and, 240; filmmaker decisions and, xviii; genre and, 258; identity and, 254; musical, 167, 196; xiii, poetic, 223; regime, xiii. See also disjunctive synthesis; method; montage; poetics alchemy: creative process and, 75; philosopher’s stone and, 70 Alexeïeff, Alexandre: and Claire Parker, 137 anamorphosis, 205; objects, 206, Plate 16; painting, 206, 233, 239. See also De Artificiali Perspectiva anarchaelogy, xiii Anatomy of a Storyteller, The, 233 Andrew, Dudley, xxi–xxii, xxv Ange, L’. See Bokanowski, Patrick animated biography. See Cabinet of Jan Švankmajer, The; Eternal Day of Michel de Ghelderode, 1898–1962, The; Igor: The Paris Years Chez Pleyel; Leos Janácek: Intimate Excursions animated documentary, 13. See also De Artificiali Perspectiva; Phantom Museum; Punch and Judy animation, xii–xiii, 156–158; Arnheim and, 45; Channel Four and, 24, 28; character creation, 108–9; compared to Mitry, xxiii; and diegetic sound, 189; dimensional, 44, 111; discrepancy with sound source, 189; editing of, 156; as genre, 108; Griffiths and, 13; Russell Hoban on, 44–45; human thought and, 45; illustration and, 42; of inanimate materials, xxiii; Joyce and, xi, 51–52; Kleist and, 103–6; of light, 147–53; Lindsay and, xii; literature and, 42–44, 53, 71, 131–32; and live action, 181, 205; metaphysical potential of, 41; music and, 8, 171, 209; nondigital, xxvi; ontological status of, xxv; O’Pray and, 97; phenomenology and, xxiv; pixilation, 163, 211; single-frame, xx, 71; spectatorship, 117; studies, xix, xxii; trick film, xii, 94, 163, 236; twodimensional , xxiii, 139; and vitalism, 104, 122, 125. See also Mitry, Jean; puppet; puppet animation animism, 32, 46, 52, 70. See also puppet; vitalism anti–fairy tale, 205, 221, 238 300 in d e x apprehension, 58, Plate 5; anempathetic, 178, 179, 181, 185, 190, 192; and comprehension, 34; definition of, 93–94; dislocutory, 50, 109; and enchantment, 122; and the fantastic, 87; and intellectual uncertainty, 50, 68, 70, 124, 128; and metaphor, 128; and music, 174, 176, 178, 180, 185; pleasurable, 110, 126, 129, 144, 262; and the uncanny, 90, 96; and vitalism, 122 architecture, 75–76, 81; Baroque, 76, 242; labyrinth and, 77–82; Juan Antonio Ramirez on, 79; scale and, 84–88; set design and, 80–84, 90, 98, 200; time and, 80; uncanny and, 91, 94–96 Arcimboldo, Giuseppe: references to Quays, 2, 29, 162, 209; and Švankmajer, 28 Aristotle, 33; Aristotelian abiogenesis, 69. See also soul Arnall, Dick, 232 Arnheim, Rudolf, 45, 107 Artaud, Antonin: hieroglyphic theater and, 109–10, 183, 194; Theater of Cruelty and, 44 Art Brut, 207, 224–26, 244; Dubuffet on, 225 Art house production, 13, 236 Atelier Koninck QBFZ, 215 Atkinson, Michael, xi, 43, 97, 110, 113, 196; on Institute Benjamenta, 236; Quays’ letter to, 212; on Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies, 201–2 audiovisual structures, 177. See also music; sound automaton, 101, 109, 125, Plate 20; concept, 123, 245; construction, 80, 246; living, 250–51, Plate 21; marionette and, 104; puppet and, 123–24, 127. See also marionette; puppet axolotl, 277n75 Bachelard, Gaston, 39, 47, 83 bachelor machine, 41, 76, 127, 212, 253 Bählamms Fest (opera), 221–22 ballet, 202, 213, 220, 229; logic of, 114; Quays and, 122, 219, 236, 252. See also stage design Baroque: architecture, 75, 242; music, 232; painting, 249 Bartlett, Mark, 93, 274n40, 276n25, 280n82 Baudelaire, Charles, 84 Baudrillard, Jean, 125 Bausch, Pina, 219, 236 Bazin, André, 195 BBC, 14, 18, 24, 206, 210, 223 Bell, Alison, 265 Benjamin, Walter: on children and detritus, 47, 64, 66, 264 Bennett, Jane: on phenomenology of enchantment, 121–23, 258, 263 Berry, Paul, 94 BFI, 14–15, 18, 30, 210 Bioy Casares, Adolfo, 244 Black Soul Choir, 214 body: female, 204, 204, 221; fragmented puppet parts and, 35, 110, 111, 119; organs, 115–16, Plate 10, Plate 13; perception of, 121–23, 121; socius, xix; uncanny and, 124. See also entelechy Bogue, Ronald, 283n39 Bokanowski, Patrick, xiv; Griffiths on, 13 Bordwell, David, xxv, 93, 106; on sound properties, 174–75 Borowczyk, Walerian, 8, 17; influence on the Quays, 8–9, 137, 265 Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Le, 203, Plate 15 Brandstrup, Kim, 30, 202, 213, 229, 233, 240 Breton, André, 18, 98, 99 Brinckmann, Christine Noll, 118, 154 Bring Me the Head of Ubu Roi: projections for, 233 Brooke, Michael, 41 Brudermord, Ein, 19–20, 57, 113 Bruno, Giordano, 103 Buñuel, Luis: L’Âge d’Or, 9; Un Chien Andalou, 135 Burch, Noël, 144–45; on musical methodology, 172; on off...
