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267 Index accumulations research: review of, 61–67 Adair-Steadman site, 60, 224, 230 Agate Basin site: artifact density of, 103–7; artifact photographs from, 53; bison butchery at, 36–37; core density at, 190–91; cores from, 154; dating of, 30; debitage attributes from, 182–85; debitage:nonlocal tools at, 85, 86, 88, 89; distribution of lithic raw material sources at, 135; flake tool typology at, 43; lithic surplus at, 123–27; local:nonlocal raw materials, 80, 81, 85, 86, 88, 89; occupation history of, 96, 103–9, 223; Occupation Span Index of, 103–7; overview of, 50–53; photograph of, 52; retouch intensity of tools from, 195–200; seasonality of, 98; selectivity of blanks in tool production at, 205–10 Ahler, Stanley, 16 Alibates silicified dolomite, 39, 170 Allen site, 174 Alyawara, 100–101 Amick, Dan, 37, 38, 59–60, 227 Andrefsky, William, 153 Anzick site, 171 artifact density: vs. Core Reduction Index, 185; model of, 68–70, 105; Puntutjarpa shelter, of, 93, 101–3; reoccupation of sites, and, 100–9; of sites of study sample, 56, 60, 103–7; and use duration, 66 Bamforth, Douglas: on cores, 153, 174–75; on lithic curation, 12–13; on projectile points, 41; on raw material availability, 188 Barger Gulch Locality B: artifact density of, 103–7, 222–23; artifact photographs from, 47; core density at, 190, 191; cores from, 41, 154, 175; cost of lithic raw material procurement at, 135–36; dating of, 30; debitage attributes from, 182–85; debitage:nonlocal tools at, 85, 86, 88, 89; distribution of lithic raw material sources at, 133–35; lithic surplus at, 123–27, 133–37, 139–40; local:nonlocal raw materials at, 80, 81, 85–89; occupation history of, 96, 98, 103–9, 222–23; Occupation Span Index of, 103–7; overview of, 45–47; photograph of, 46; raw material use from, 60; retouch intensity on tools from, 195–200; selectivity of blanks in tool production at, 205–10; ultrathin biface from, 42 Barlow, K. Renee, 13–15, 176 Beaton, Jack, 39 Becker, Mark, 153, 174–75 behavioral ecology, 4–5, 7–9, 219–20 268 Index bifaces: design of, 157–76, 221; distinguished from cores, 153; flake production from, 180–187; frequencies of in study sample, 81; and Paleoindian archaeologists, 142–43; photographs of, 47, 51, 53; traditional views of in Paleoindian archaeology, 42–43. See also bifacial cores; bifacial core tools; bifacial thinning flakes; bifacial tools; projectile points; ultrathin bifaces bifacial cores: design of, 159–61, 167–76; transport cost of, 160; transport efficiency of, 160–61; utility of, 159 bifacial core tools: design of, 162–76; transport cost of, 162; transport efficiency of, 162–68; utility of, 162 bifacial thinning flakes: blanks for tools, as, 147–50, 171; density of, 222–23; discard rate of, 184–187, 191–210; modeled production of, 180–87; relative frequency of, 181–87 bifacial tools: design of, 158–60, 167–76; transport cost of, 159; transport efficiency of, 159–60; utility of, 159 Big Black site, 154 Binford, Lewis, 9–13, 128, 140, 200–201 Bison antiquus, 27, 33–38 Black Forest silicified wood, 46, 155 Blackwater Draw site, 41, 154, 170–71 Blinman, Eric, 64 Bobtail Wolf site: bone preservation at, 98; cores from, 41, 154, 175; lithic raw materials in, 39, 60; measures of mean per capita occupation span, of, 87–89; occupation history, 96; site function of, 224; ultrathin bifaces from, 42 Boldurian, Anthony, 177 Bonfire shelter, 35 Bordes, François, 43 Bradley, Bruce: on Goshen point morphology , 29; on Hanson site, 41, 43, 59–60, 89–90, 227 Brantingham, P. Jeffrey, 16–18 Bush, George W., 110–12 Byers, David, 37 caching, 138–39, 172 Carter/Kerr-McGee site: artifact density of, 103–7, 222–23; artifact photographs from, 55; core density of, 190, 191; cores from, 154; debitage attributes from, 182–85; debitage: nonlocal tools from, 85, 86, 88, 89; distribution of lithic raw material sources at, 135; Goshen/Clovis component of, 29, 31; lithic surplus at, 123–27; local:nonlocal raw materials , 80, 81, 85, 86, 88, 89; occupation history of, 96, 103–9, 222–23; Occupation Span Index of, 103–7; overview of, 53–56; photograph of, 54; retouch intensity on tools from, 195–200; selectivity of blanks in tool production at, 205–10 Casti, John, 213 Cattle Guard site, 154–55 central place foraging model: in lithic raw material procurement, 128–33; and mobility, 97, 216 channel flakes: frequencies of in study sample, 81; photographs...
