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40 Bess and Raven Bess walks for long distances. Agaayuvifmufniaqtufa (I’m on my way to church). On her way inland, she tells me of a raven who carries an Eskimo bone in his beak. Afipchabaa (Resurrects him). Raven followed her up a switchback into alders where she built camp. Nipiruq sunset is late coming. Bessie knew about latecomers and bones. Born when the world was up-side-down, she likes to repent and turn over ash. In the beginning, she and Raven told stories from the old world, made a pact, and carved it on a soapstone tablet. Like a barbed bone harpoon or an inuk’s inherent capacity to kill a seal, the sun rises to the moon warm and blue. Bessie uncovers the capacity to manifest energy of Inupiat, plants, and animals. Raven: These travelers trade time and they never thought of ieuujiq life sliced separate from nature. They live with the caribou Botfly larva. It’s a backward time: each second lasts for a Pula solar eclipse in June when the days shorten and like a trap: the metal snaps, the weight crushes the prey. How quickly it snaps. Snaps. ...
