In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

v ConTenTs List of Illustrations vii Preface and Acknowledgments ix I. InTrodUCTIon 1. Introduction 3 2. The Importance of Kinship in Archaeology 10 3. The Hohokam 28 II. HoUseHolds 4. Household-scale social organization 39 5. Archaeological Analysis of Household-scale social organization 59 6. Hohokam Households 69 III. desCenT GroUPs 7. descent Group organization 109 8. Archaeological Analysis of descent Group organization 141 9. Hohokam descent Groups 161 IV. MArrIAGe, PolITICAl eConoMy, And TrAnsforMATIons 10. The Political economy of Kinship and Marriage 197 vi Contents 11. Archaeological Analysis of Marriage and Political economy 226 12. Hohokam Marriage, Political economies, and Transformations 235 V. ConTrIBUTIons of KInsHIP reseArCH 13. new Insights on the Hohokam 257 14. Archaeological Contributions to Kinship Theory 272 15. new frontiers in Kinship research 299 Glossary 307 References Cited 319 Index 347 ...
