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ix Illustrations MaPs 1. Map of Tanzania 6 2. Map of Dar es Salaam 7 FIGures 1. Elderly Zaramo men relaxing after lunch 31 2. Qur’anic school 36 3. Dispensary in 2002 38 4. Family portrait of a Zaramo traditional healer 40 5. Marketplace in 2002 41 6. Marketplace in 2011 42 7. Mother waiting with her sick child at the dispensary 79 8. Doctor advising mother about her child’s sickness 83 9. Young mother sponging her child at the dispensary 86 10. Mother sponging her child at the dispensary 88 11. Women selling snacks in the marketplace 140 12. Child with mouth ulcers attributed to SP treatment for malaria 181 13. Qualified pharmacist giving advice to a young client 195 14. Duka la dawa baridi in Temeke 196 15. Antimalarials on display at retail pharmacy 198 ...
