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Index Italic page numbers indicate material in tables or figures. Acanthaster planci (crown-of-thorns sea star), 90 Acanthemblemaria crockeri (browncheek blenny), 112 Acanthonyx petiveri (crustacean), 74 Acanthurus triostegus (convict surgeonfish), 103 Actinopterygii, 107 “Adelita” (loggerhead turtle), 158 Agassiz, Alexander, 26 agriculture: drainage water from, 48, 73, 92, 183, 229; economic importance of, 223, 227; loss of wetlands to, 91; water needs of, 229 Agrupación Sierra Madre, 92 Alarcón Basin, 8, 12, 19 Albatross cruise, 99–100, 117, 136, 144 ALCOSTA, 92, 220, 227–228 algae: biogeography, 214 –215; brown algae (Phaeophyta), 212–218; coralline red algae (Rhodophyta), 49–71, 213; Gelidium robustum, 87; Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis, 150; green algae (Chlorophyta ), 150, 211, 212, 216 –217; habitats of Northern Gulf, 215–217; history of exploration of, 213–214; kelps, 213, 214 –215; overview, 210 –213; reproduction, 212; Sargassum , 58, 212, 215–218; seasonality, 150, 215–217; substrates, 210 –211, 216 –217; turtle needs, 137–138, 150, 156, 165–166; Ulva lactuca, 150; zonation of, 217–218. See also chapters 3 and 10 alien species, 83–85, 222 allopatric speciation, 110 –111 Alta California–Baja California Peninsula Range Batholith, 7 Alto Golfo (Upper Gulf ), 93, 117, 238–245 amarilla, la. See loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) Ambidexter symmetricus (crustacean), 74 ammonia concentration, 44 amphioxus (Branchiostoma californiense), 89 Anas acuta (northern pintail), 183 anchovies, 42, 109, 122 Anderson, Daniel, 233 Ángel de la Guarda Island. See under islands/islas angelfishes, 113, 117 Anisotremus davidsonii (sargo), 109 Anita, Ramon, 142 Antennularia septata (cnidarian), 75 anthropogenic effects: on mammals, 205– 208; on ospreys, 178, 184 –187; from outboard motors, 222; on rhodolith beds, 67–71. See also artisanal fishing; commercial fishing; tourism Aphrodita mexicana, A. sonorae (polychaete annelids), 81, 88 Aplysia spp. (Mollusca, Gastropoda—sea hares), 75, 77, 150 aquaculture industry: economic importance of, 121–129, 222, 223; estero-based, 73, 83–84, 88–90, 116; habitat loss, 2, 230 aquarium fish, harvesting of, 115, 117 Aratus pisonii (crustacean), 74 Arbacia incisa (echinoderm), 85 Archeolithothamnium (red alga), 55–56 338 / Index Arctocephalus townsendi (Guadalupe fur seal), 189, 203, 205 Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 73, 92, 94, 230 –231, 233 arribada, 160, 165 Arthron meleagris (spotted pufferfish), 90 articulate chiton (Chiton articulatus), 87 artisanal fishing: conservation efforts with, 2, 87–88, 93, 133, 225–226; environmental impact from, 73, 205–208; exclusive user rights, 131; history of, 123; number of jobs in, 124 –125; percentage /volume of commercial catch, 126 –127; regulation of, 129–130; status of, 119–121, 124, 131; threat from, 73, 155, 157, 159, 205–208; tools used by, 119, 124; training of, 132. See also commercial fishing Aruma histrio (slow goby), 111 Asociación Sudcaliforniana de Proteción al Medio Ambiente y a la Tortuga Marina (ASUPMATOMA), 161 Astrangia sanfelipensis, 81 Astrodictyum panamense (echinoderm), 86 Astrometis sertulifera (echinoderm), 85 Audubon Society, 231, 233 Axoclinus nigricaudus (Cortez triplefin), 109, 110, 112 Bacescuella parvithecata (marine earthworm ), 82 Bahía de La Paz: fishes, 101; hawksbills, 140; marine mammals, 192–196, 198–199, 201–204; ospreys, 174; rhodoliths , 54, 60 – 61; tourism at, 124; turtle bones, 140 Bahía de Los Ángeles: conservation in, 225, 249; osprey, 172–177, 180, 184, 186; rhodolith beds, 52; turtles, 144 –145, 149, 151–152, 164, 166 Bahía de San Rafael, 149, 198 Bahía Gonzaga, 145 Bahía Kino (Sonora), 145, 150, 151, 177 Bahía Magdalena, 66, 102, 152, 164, 177, 200 Baird’s beaked whale (Berardius bairdii stejneger), 193, 205 Baja California, 5n Balaenoptera spp., 189–190, 201–202 Balistes polylepis (finescale triggerfish), 173 ballenas (whales), 3, 186 –209. See also chapter 9 Ballenas Channel, 30, 32, 37, 41–42, 145, 202 Barbulifer mexicanus (saddlebanded goby), 111 barnacle bill blenny/borracho vacilón (Hypsoblennius brevipinnis Blenniidae ), 98 basaltic rocks, flow, and surfaces, 17, 76, 210, 216 –217 Baseodiscus punnetti (nemertean), 75 Bechtel, Kenneth, 231 bekko, 157 Beltrán, Enrique, 231, 232 benthic food web, 1–3, 69, 76, 78, 80, 87–88, 115, 138–139 benzene hexachloride contamination, 183 Berardius bairdii stejneger (Baird’s beaked whale), 193, 205 Bergman size clines, 113 berrugata aleta amarilla/yellowfin croaker (Umbrina roncador Sciaenidae), 99 Betaeus longidactylus (crustacean), 75, 77 biogeography: effect on biodiversity, 4, 74 –83, 101–108, 114, 214 –215 biosphere reserves: Alto Golfo (Upper Gulf ), 93, 117, 238–245; establishment of, 93, 117, 234, 237; fishing within, 87; and sea turtle conservation, 166; table of, 236 bioturbation: and rhodoliths, 53, 66 black murex (Hexaplex nigritus), 86, 87 black turtle...
