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O N E Thinking the Unthinkable Psychoanalysis, Postmodernism, and Feminism Contemporary critica l socia l theory point s t o three perspectives : th e psy choanalytic , th e postmodern , an d th e feminist . Thoug h eac h ha s it s ow n independent core , incorporatin g aspect s fro m on e o r mor e o f th e othe r perspectives can be beneficial and has the result of strengthening or clarify ing th e respectiv e theoretica l structure . Ther e i s substantia l literatur e combining an y tw o of thes e three perspectives . Eac h alliance turns ou t t o be a case of on e perspectiv e co-optin g som e aspec t o f th e other s whil e a t the sam e tim e rejectin g on e o r mor e o f th e basi c presupposition s upo n which th e perspectiv e rests . Thus , w e hav e postmoder n feminism , post modern psychoanalysis, and psychoanalytic feminism. Ther e is not, as yet, however, a full integration o f these three points of view. Jan e Flax wrote a book entitle d Thinking Fragments, in whic h sh e expose d th e fundamenta l contradictions o f th e thre e perspectives an d cam e to the conclusio n tha t a unified theor y wa s not possible . Sh e concluded tha t "n o nea t integration , new synthesis, or Aufhebung" o f these three perspectives is either possible or desirable. 1 Whil e a tota l convergenc e o f thes e thre e perspective s ma y not b e possible , o r fo r tha t matte r eve n desirable , the y ma y b e s o inte grated tha t i t wil l b e neithe r possibl e no r desirabl e t o separat e thei r dis courses or methodologies. We disagree with Fla x in that we think a synthesis is possible. Whethe r or no t i t woul d b e desirabl e i s a n ope n question . Fo r ther e t o b e an y unification, eac h perspectiv e mus t sacrific e som e o f it s basi c tenet s o r presuppositions. Psychoanalysi s an d feminis m mus t giv e u p o r revers e valued or cherished, and fairly fundamental , components . Postmodernism , when pitte d agains t thes e tw o discourses , mus t allo w itsel f t o reac h it s 10 Thinking the Unthinkable natural conclusions and avoid the desire to sidetrack or to get caught in the n detail alon g th e way . Th e desirabilit y o f a psychoanalytic-postmodern feminism wil l depen d upo n th e natur e o f thes e sacrifices . On e o f th e primary objective s o f this book is to explore how there would be a unified theory withi n whic h eac h positio n coul d maintai n it s integrity , whil e simultaneously explorin g the desirability o f making the necessary modifi cations . Thi s text was not designed a s a defense o f an y one or all of thes e three differen t perspectives . W e assum e thes e discourse s a s givens . Ou r intent is to create a treatise that makes the necessary modifications t o each perspective in order to bring them together into an integrated whole. Our objectiv e i s to demonstrate th e natural result s that flow from suc h an integration , rathe r tha n t o persuad e th e reade r o f th e viabilit y o f th e unification. Theorist s committe d t o psychoanalysis , postmodernism , an d feminism must , i n scrutinizin g th e premise s o f thi s endeavor , eithe r fin d flaws i n the method o f unification an d develop it differently o r they mus t continue t o think i n term s o f fragments . Sinc e people generally prefe r t o rid their worl d view s of contradictions , this ma y place the reade r i n some what of a dilemma. Wha t is important, however, is that in struggling with...
