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C H A P T E R E L E V E N Aftermath of Quebec Every Tongu e i s lou d i n celebratin g hi s Praises , an d lamenting his Fate; and on every Breast his distinguished merit is written in Characters indelible. Among the first Patriots an d Heroes , th e faithfu l Pag e of Histor y wil l perpetuate the name of Montgomerie.1 If a Martyr' s suffering s meri t a Martyr' s Rewar d hi s claim is indisputable. . . . He now rests from his Labour and his Works can't but follow him.2 The bodie s o f Montgomer y an d hi s me n la y undisturbe d wher e they fel l fo r th e rest of the day. Th e blockhous e guards did no t realize th e significanc e o f th e actio n i n whic h the y ha d bee n involved—that on e pron g o f th e America n arm y ha d bee n turne d bac k and its commanding general slain. They could observe some of the attackers fal l unde r thei r gun s an d th e survivor s withdraw , bu t the y ha d n o way of discerning the extent of damage they ha d inflicte d o n their assail ant o r whethe r th e oppositio n woul d launc h anothe r attemp t a t thei r position. Late r tha t morning , whe n wor d cam e that a n enemy forc e ha d penetrated th e Lowe r Town , severa l o f th e nervou s guardsme n woul d have abandoned thei r outpost if cooler heads had not prevailed. Althoug h Montgomery's deat h wa s not ye t know n t o the British^ i t became appar ent t o all by tha t afternoo n tha t the y ha d repulse d a major attac k b y th e Americans on the city.3 l 5* 152 • Aftermath of Quebec Flush with his success in defending Quebec , Carleton sen t a task forc e into th e subur b o f St . Roc h t o seiz e Wool' s morta r battery , acquirin g Lamb's derelict cannon on the way. They managed to rout the Americans from th e batter y bu t encountere d unexpecte d resistanc e whe n the y at tempted t o pursu e the m throug h th e narro w streets . Th e artilleryme n were joine d b y som e reserv e troop s an d improvise d a holding actio n i n the hamlet. Meanwhile , som e soldiers ran to Arnold's headquarters in the general hospita l t o war n th e colone l o f a n impendin g Britis h attack . Bedridden afte r havin g the bullet remove d fro m hi s leg, Arnold receive d the news with typical audacity. H e ordered a gun issued to every wounde d man in the hospital to resist the British, and he readied his brace of pistols and sword so that he could wield them from his bed. "He was determined to kil l a s man y a s possibl e i f the y cam e int o th e room, " th e docto r observed with awe. However, th e British officers i n St. Roch decided no t to pres s th e issu e further . Th e tas k forc e returne d t o Quebe c wit h th e captured field pieces after settin g fire to several houses.4 Once Woo l reporte d th e departur e o f th e Britis h fro m St . Roch , relative cal m returne d t o Arnold's headquarters . Th e colone l dispatche d a letter to General Wooster in Montreal, informing hi m of Montgomery' s death an d hi s faile d attemp t o n Quebec . H e als o appraise d hi s curren t situation a s critica l an d requeste d immediat e assistanc e fro m Wooster , who wa s no w th e rankin g America n office r i n Canada . O n hi s retur n from Pre s d...
