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■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Appendix B The Contextual Identity Interview: Protocol for Interview 1 ID _______________ M / F Age: ____ Race/ethnicity (as defined by youth): ___________ Grade in school: _____ Age first at club: _____ No. of siblings: _____ Lives with: __________________ Live in club neighborhood? Y / N Pseudonym chosen by youth: _____________________________ I want to start by asking you some questions about who you are and how you see yourself. 1. Tell me about yourself. Describe yourself to me. 2. Do you change at all depending on where you are? For example, are you different at the club than at school or at school than at home? How do you feel about that? 3. Do you feel differently at the club than you do at school? At home? School versus home? 4. Do you ever act in a way that you feel is not really who you are? In other words, do you ever change your behavior/dress/speech in Appendix B ❙ 213 a situation in a way that makes you feel like you are not being yourself? Follow-up probes: If yes, what aspects do you change? If no, do you observe other kids who seem to be different in different situations? How does that make you feel? Why are you not like these kids? 5. Are there aspects of yourself that are always the same, even if other things are different? 6. Give me the five words that you think describe you the best. Follow-up probes: Tell me a little bit about what these mean to you. Which of these are the most important to you? Are there any of these that would be different if I asked you only about how you were at the club? Only at school? Only at home? Are any of these things that you think are encouraged or appreciated at the Boys and Girls Club? Do you expect that you will also be these things in the future? 7. Give me five words that describe who you were in the past, when you were younger. Follow-up probes: Are any of these things different from who you are today? Have any of these changed over time? Why do you think that is? Do you think that any of these changes are because of your participation in the Boys and Girls club? 8. Give me five words that describe who or what you think you may be in the future. Follow-up probes: How did you come to decide on these things? Is there any particular person who has influenced you to want to be these things? 214 ❙ Appendix B Is there any particular activity or group that you have been involved with that has helped influence you to want to be these things? Has the Boys and Girls Club or any staff here influenced this at all? 9. What are your goals for the future? 10. What are the five things you like best about yourself. Follow-up probes: Are any of these things that you feel are encouraged or appreciated at the Boys and Girls Club? Do you have role models that you look up to for any of these things? Do you think that you will be/want to be these things in the future? 11. Has anyone ever thought something about you or judged you in a way that you think was wrong? Do you ever feel that someone doesn’t understand who you are and thinks things about you that you don’t feel are true? Follow-up probes: Why do you think they made that judgment? If you could say something to that person, what would you tell them about yourself to change their minds about you? Does this ever happen at the Boys and Girls Club? How often? At school? How often? 12. You defined your ethnicity as __________________. Can you think of an experience you have had that helped you understand what it means to be a ____________ male or female or made you think about yourself as ____________? 13. Describe an event from your life that stands out in your memory as being especially important or significant. 14. Can you identify the single person, group of persons, or organization /institution that has or have had the greatest influence on who you are? Please describe this person, group, or organization and the way in which they have had an impact on you. 15. Have you ever done something that you really didn’t want to do...
