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Index 381 ‘abid (former slaves) in Yemen: and social hierachies; 5, 73–77; and women health worker trainees, 78, 81–82. See also slavery Aborigines (Australia): 151; and body, 153; and land rights, 152; and racist stereotypes , 152–153; removal of “half-caste” children, 152; subjection to sexual abuse, 152 ‘Abs, 73, 78–80 Abu-Jamal, Mumia (political prisoner in U.S.): and multiracial feminism, 193–212; and support of gay and lesbian community, 211–212; and support of International Long Shore and Warehouse Union, 214; and support of lesbian feminists , 205–206 Acolia, Sundiata (political prisoner in U.S.), 203, 208 Action India, 37; and literacy programs for poor Muslim women, 44 affirmative action (in India), 328; women’s access to the political arena, 344–345 Africa, Pam, 208. See also International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal African Methodist Episcopalian Church (U.S.), 315–318; patriarchy in black churches, 318 Ahmedabad: riots in, 8, feminist alliances in opposition to Hindu nationalism, 232–236 akhdam (Yemenis of reputed African origin ), 73, 75–77; relations with non-slave social categories, 87; and training programs for women health workers, 81–82 Algeria, post-World War II colonial relations with France, 296 All India Women’s Conference, 220 Alma Mater (antiracist women’s center) in Italy, 20–33 American Indian Movement, 207 Anti-affirmative action (in India), 328 Anti-communalism (in India), and lesbian rights, 236–241 Antidiscrimination Act (Australia), 153 antifeminism, in U.S. Christian organizations , 315; in Yemen, 72 antiracism: feminist strategies in coalition work in U.S., 201–209; March for Equality Against Racism in France, 299; movement against caste oppression in India, 341–342; prevalence of silence in feminist organizations, 145–147 Antiracism Discussion Groups (ARDGs): in feminist organizations in California, 129–139; and interethnic tensions, 139–147; white women’s fears of being attacked, 136–137 Antiracist Action (ARA), 9; and profeminist men’s organizations, 277 antiracist organizations: in France, 298–299; Mouvement contre le Racisme pour l’Amitié entrel les Peuples, 299; SOS-Racisme, 299 antirape movement, in South Africa, 98–124 anti-Semitism, as an issue for multiracial organizers, 202 apartheid, 97–98 Apopka, 313, 315. See also racial terrorism, in the U.S. Armato, Michael, 9 Armstead, Cathleen, 10 Arthur, Walter, as an Aboriginal representative in Australia, 151 art-music (in Australia), 153, 160–162 Asahi Shinbun, 173 Asia Women’s Fund, 175 Association of History Educators (Japanese ), 179 Australia Council, 153 Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), 160 Bacchetta, Paola, 8 Barcan, Cath (photographer), 157 bastis (slums in India), 235 Basu, Amrita, 12 Bataille, Philippe, 298 battered women’s shelters (in U.S.), 6 Bell, Derrick, 215n. 4 Beski, Chahla, 305 Bhakti movement (India), 341 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 225 Bigwood, Carol, 162 birandari panchayats (India), as model for feminist NGOS, 4, 41–42 bisexuals, 154 Black Codes (in U.S.), 314. See also white supremacy Black feminists (U.S.): as socialist feminists in multiethnic faith-based organizations in the U.S., 322–323; in transnational alliances in Zimbabwe, 264–272; and union organizing, 62–68, 329 Black Freedom struggles (U.S.), and civil rights movements for women in India, 38 Black Panther Party (U.S.): former members , 208; Philadelphia chapter, 195; and political prisoners, 195, 202, 208 Black Power movement, 205–206, 208 Black War, the (Australia), 151 Bonnett, Alistair, 148n. 5 Bookman, Ann, 123n. 21 Brah, Avtar, 296 Brahmins, 227, 231–232; and elite women’s work, 335–336 breen, andrea, 7 British Organization for Community Development (BOCD), 92n. 34 Brooks, Siobhan, 4 Bukhari-Alston, Safiya, as former political prisoner in the U.S., 208 Burnett, Susan, 202, 208 Butler, Judith, 164 Campaign for Lesbian Rights (CALERI), and alliances in India to counter Hindu nationalism, 239–241 Canada: and the Department of Canadian Heritage, 353; and the National Committee on the Status of Women, 362; and the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, 352 Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC): and gender demographics, 362; and the persistence of institutional racism and sexism, 363–364; and racism in newsroom , 11, 354–355 Cape Town (South Africa), rape crisis center , 5–6, 98–119 caste (in India): and divisions, 329; and divisions , maintenance of, 47–48; and the Indian National Congress, 228; origins of the term, 227–228; parallels with antiblack racism in the U.S., 228–229. See also Scheduled Castes caste effect (Deshpandes’s concept), 337–338 censorship (in India): and Hindu nationalist actions against Fire, 236–239; and women...
